ʀᴇᴍɪɴɪᴇɴᴄᴇ: 3

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Taehyung's POV

Am I losing my mind? Did someone just call my name? But.. Aren't I in here alone?

End of POV

Taehyung quickly stood up properly and examined the bathroom, just to find that he was in there alone, as he had suspected. He began to walk out of the bathroom when he heard the voice again.

"Taehyung~ Are you gonna leave without saying hello?"

It's coming from the mirror...

He thought. Taehyung slowly turned around and walked back toward the sinks, staring deep into his reflection. He watched as the copy of himself replicated his every move, each one on time with when he'd do it.

I must be going crazy, why would my reflection talk to me? It's just a mirrored version of myself.

Taehyung thought with a chuckle.

Suddenly, his reflection pouted, but he couldn't feel a pout on his lips so he was sure he wasn't pouting.

"I know you don't like hearing ghost stories but how could you be so rude to your own reflection?!" That thing cried in a voice that sounded distorted, but almost identical to Taehyung's.

"What the.."

"What? Surprised to be talking to yourself?"

Taehyung was taken aback by the comment. "You aren't me.." He said with doubt in his voice.

"What do you mean? Don't I look like you and sound like you?" The reflection asked, tilting its head a little and placing a hand on the mirror.

"You sure do look like me, not too sure about the voice though" Taehyung replied scratching the back of his neck.

"Wait second, you reacted to my thought earlier, can you read my mind?" Taehyung then asked with his eyes a bit widened.

"Well, of course, I can. That's quite a silly question to ask Taehyung, your thoughts are my thoughts" The reflection answered with a sly smile.

"That's crazy! Have you always been able to do that?" Taehyung then asks his mirrored reflection, impressed that this phenomenon even existed.

"You seem to have a lot of questions for me, do you really not believe in me?" The reflection asked as the sly smile turned into a tiny frown. 

"Just answer the question" Taehyung demanded.

Suddenly, the reflection's eyes turned completely black. The mirror began to crack and two hands began to tug against the glass as if it were rubber.

That thing was going to escape!

Taehyung stood there frozen for a moment, he couldn't comprehend what was happening before his very eyes. Just moments ago he was staring at a normal mirror that was copying his every move, now that same mirror is giving birth to some sort of creature he could hardly explain with words. Then within the blink of an eye, the hands suddenly gripped Taehyung's shoulders. He screamed and fell back.

"YOU DARE TO DEMAND ME?!" A demonic voice cried from the mirror.

Terrified, Taehyung stood up and ran out of the bathroom as fast as possible, immediately bumping into someone's chest. He let out a sigh of relief as he moved his face and saw that it was Namjoon, along with the others following close behind him.

"We heard screaming!" Seokjin cried as he came over to hug Taehyung.

"Is everything okay" Namjoon then asked as he checked Taehyung's physical state.

"The mirror.." Taehyung said in a quiet voice.

"What about it?" Namjoon questioned.

"My reflection, it wasn't acting right. It was like it had a mind of its own" Taehyung said as he tried to explain what had just happened to him in the best way possible.

"Are you sure?" Jungkook asked with sparkles in his eyes.

"Yes yes! Just go check the mirror!" Immediately Jungkook ran into the bathroom, he saw nothing but a few glass shards on the floor.

He looked up at the mirror and saw a glimpse of Taehyung before his own reflection appeared. He gasped, shocked by what he has just seen. As he left the bathroom, he felt as though someone was watching him. The feeling made him speed walk out of the bathroom.

"We should get going" Jungkook then said as he walked past the group and headed outside to the car.

"Wonder what he saw in there" Hoseok questioned as a visible sweat appeared on his face.

"Taehyung go get yourself a slushie, everyone else, if you aren't getting anything, head to the car. Kookie and I shall be waiting" Seokjin then ordered softly, everyone nodded and went to go do as they were told. 

Did he see that thing as well? Taehyung thought. Why would he have wanted to leave the restaurant that quickly? He hardly said anything to us when we asked him to.

Everyone got in the car, complete silence filled the atmosphere. No one wanted to speak, nor did they know what to say. Seokjin immediately drove off, Taehyung stared at the restaurant as it grew smaller and smaller the further they got.

What was going on in there..?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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