Chapter 35

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I feel my shoulders being shaken lightly. I groan, barely opening my eyes to still see darkness. It's still night? Why am I being woken up when it's not morning?

"Emberly," Titus hisses, shaking me harder this time.

Groaning, I roll on my back and open my eyes tiredly. His face seems distressed, he plays with his fingers nervously and he shakes me again although my eyes are already open. I glare at him and sit up, attempting to wake myself.

"Why are you waking me up Titus? It's still night. What is the urgency?" I glare at him.

However, my glare simmers down upon realising how distressed he looks. He never displays emotions of concern or distress. He hates all knowing his emotions, yet he is an open book right now. I place a hand on his arm and he stares at me, staying silent. Why won't he say anything?

"Titus. Tell me what's wrong," I plead.

"It's Willow. She tried killing herself... and Val," he whispers.

Silence. Shock. Silence.

I feel my heartbeat accelerate and I gulp. It shocks me to hear this news. I didn't realise anything was wrong with Willow. How could I not realise? I should have realised. I'm stupid. I should have been there. I should have asked.

"Why?" I rasp.

He shrugs and gets out of bed, throwing on a shirt and rummaging through the cupboard to get his shoes and mine. Sensing we are going over to Val's, I get out of bed and put on my slides that Titus got out so kindly for me.

"I don't know. Mike called me and just told me what happened, I didn't ask why. I'm sure we will find out soon," he grumbles, clearly upset.

He walks out of the room in a rush and I follow in just a rush as he is. He grabs his keys that are on the bench and opens the door, waiting for me to exit before he follows behind. The car ride is utter silence. I know he is thinking the exact same im thinking.

Is everyone okay? Is Willow okay? Did she hurt anyone or herself?

It just doesn't seem in her character to do something like this. To be fair, I haven't seen Willow properly in a while. I look out at the scenery as we drive by in a haste. Titus is definitely driving well above the speed limit, normally I would say something, however I know the panic he feels at this very moment. I know he just wants to see his best friend to make sure he is okay. I remain absolutely silent and I look at his hand, wondering if I should hold it in my own or not. I leave him be for now, not wanting to distract him any further.

We pull up to Val's house and both of us rush to get out and practically run inside the house. Everyone else is already in the house, some sitting on the couch and others standing. Willow and Val aren't around, so I am assuming they are talking. I find Nova and stand next to her, wondering if she knows why this all came about. I sit next to Nova and wrap my arm around her, she turns to face me, her face red and puffy.

"How didn't I notice?" she cracks out. My heart flutters in pain, I now know I am not the only one Willow didn't confide in.

Why is it all such a shock to us after everything that has happened? Valentino took her unwilling-fully from her home after she saw the incident with her brother. I wonder if she would be upset if she knew the pain and suffering her brother has caused. Sexually abusing and tormenting Jasmine, an innocent girl. An innocent girl whom Titus loved. I know he still loves her and probably thinks of her to this day. I dont mind that. She sounded pretty amazing to me as well. If only Val told her why he did what he did then she could understand. Maybe then she wouldn't view him as such a horrible person anymore.

"You aren't the only one that didn't. Its not your fault," I whisper as she cries into my shoulder. My eyes well with tears, but I dont let them fall. I look over to Landon, his face more serious then I have ever seen him. I then look to Titus. Pacing back and forth in front of the door, wanting to barge in but doesn't. I want to go and hug him but I leave him. I know he likes to wallow and his own mess when he is upset. He likes to be left alone and I think he needs to be left alone otherwise he will snap at anyone and everyone.

Val walks out of the room and sighs, running a hand through his hair. Titus rushes to him and hugs him. He hugs him. Val hugs him back with so much vigour that it warms my heart to see two souls needing each other this much but in a friendship way. They are like brothers. You can see how much it pains Titus at the thought of Val being hurt. My eyes well with tears and they slowly and painfully fall as my throat tightens in pain. I hate feeling sad. As everyone does. They break away from their hug and talk privately.

I stand and walk over to Landon, tapping him on the shoulder. He turns to me and I hug him straight away, knowing he most likely needs it right now. "Are you okay?" I question him.

We pull apart and he sighs, "I am just worried."

I give him a faint smile and nod, understanding. Willow walks out of the room as I am about to respond to Landon and I rush to her and all of us girls hug her in a massive group hug. She cries softly into our arms and we all end up sitting on the ground, in a ball and crying. "I am so sorry girls. I'm so sorry. I just can't," she splutters.

"Stop apologising," we all repeat back to her.

"I just can't do it anymore. There is so much pain, everywhere, and it never goes away. Why doesn't it go away?!" she cries. "It's like there's this constant pressure on my heart, like a punching force almost. It blows me away every time and it doesn't stop hurting. I miss Kane. I miss my brother. I dont want to be in this world much longer," She cries.

"So why did you point it at Val?" Cadence blurts out.

She looks up, her eyes red and puffy and cries even harder. "He killed my brother. So I thought, why not kill the killer? He has caused me so much pain! Took me without choice, I saw my brother dead on the ground. I didn't even get time to mourn without the killer living in the same house as me. Why wouldn't I point it at him? The question is why didn't I pull the trigger after everything I have been put through!" she hisses.

"Im sorry you're going through this. I am sorry I haven't been there enough. I am supposed to be your best friend for christ sake!" Nova cries.

We sit there, holding each other, talking and crying until there are no more tears left to fall.

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