The next time he wakes up, it's pitch black outside, the stars appear as if hung in the sky, shining down on him. The house is quiet and Jimin concludes that his grandparents must have gone to sleep. He feels like the energy has left him when he pushes the furs aside and stumbles out of his bed. His stomach grumbles like he hasn't eaten in days so he makes his way to where he knows his grandma stored the food for him. He tiptoes through the hut with careful and quiet steps, intending not to wake the others.

Jimin sits down with a bowl of soup and lets his eyes linger on the window. It's late summer and the leaves have faded into a yellowish-brown. The summer wind that carried the warm breeze and brushed along exposed skin, has faintly shifted to colder temperatures.

He sneezes despite himself, making a loud sound in his hut. Eyes widen at the loud sound and he feels bad immediately. Hopefully, he hasn't woken anyone with it. His sight returns to the densely growing trees. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to go outside if he can't sleep anyway. After all, fresh air is beneficial for you, the adage goes. Jimin grabs another cloth and tries to blow his nose again - but without success. His nose is stuffed.

Fucking hell.

Jimin shakes his head, puts the bowl away. His nose is still stuffy as he heads out towards the forest, pulling his clothing tighter because of the wind. Where else can he go for a walk undisturbed?

As soon as he steps into the dark forest, he's enveloped by an endless night, so dark he can barely see where he's going. The light of the stars is not bright enough to break down through the treetops. Maybe he should shift into his wolf form? He shakes his head as he notices the shapes of fireflies flying around. Astonished and amazed to see them as he continues to step deeper into the forest. The urge to be alone grows in him, however, he can't help but catch a closer glimpse at those small animals.

The feeling isn't as oppressive as it used to be since he knows why everyone in his pack is staring at him. It seems like even the creatures in the forest disapprove. Jimin notices something in the corner of his eye which makes him snap to attention and quicken his pace. Unfortunately, he cannot smell what it is. He begins to run, stalking through the undergrowth in the hope of escaping whatever he heard.

A loud crack makes him panic. Jimin tries to get his bearings and let his eyes adjust to the darkness. It makes him abruptly pause in his steps. He struggles to control his breathing. His gaze wanders to see anything, anything that might indicate he is in danger. However, the only thing he can perceive is a small forest rabbit that crosses his path out of nowhere.

Puzzled about its sudden appearance, Jimin peers down at him before taking another look around to make sure, but nothing is to be seen. Just as Jimin is about to crouch down, the rabbit hops away from him with a few jumps and stops. Jimin can just make out the rabbit looking at him again, he wants to brush it off and thinks he's just imagining a small animal hopping in front of him. But the rabbit shows him otherwise when he hops back towards him. Jimin's eyes widen at the surprising gesture and he takes a step back in panic. The undergrowth cracks under his feet and the further back he goes, the closer he gets to a tree. He briefly cries out in shock as he touches it with his back.

The rabbit still doesn't move from the spot, so Jimin tilts his head, not quite understanding what he wants from him. Normally, animals run away from him and not towards him. The small animal approaches him again until it eventually stops less than a metre in front of him and raises its ears. Jimin can't help but chuckle in amusement. The moment doesn't last long. It happens that the rabbit looks in the direction from which it came and hops forward again a few steps, but again turns around as if it... as if it was waiting for Jimin.

In disbelief, the omega strides through the path of the trees and follows the small animal, who hobbles on, always waiting for him. He stops at an embankment, which makes Jimin frown. What exactly does that mean? What exactly does he want from -

𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐓𝐇 𝐎𝐅 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐍 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊✗𝐏𝐉𝐌Where stories live. Discover now