Sandy's thoughts on you

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Sandy sat on the deck of his boat. He stared out into the ocean before closing his eyes and breathing in slowly. A fair amount of things were on his mind. More so the events of yesterday, with you. You were so soft and kind and yet so headstrong and confident. He didn't have much go off. Aside from your name, your style and powers. He knew the moment that he saw you that you were a Celestial Being. You gave off a warm glow that felt familiar to him.

He opened his eyes and stared out into the sea, the sea always calmed him and made him feel whole. He had only met you once and yet the sensation was oddly familiar. He had never met a Celestial Being before let alone one who can control water. It stumbled about his head, why was he so focused on you. He suddenly heard a soft meow. He hummed and looked down to see Mo, curling himself on his lap. Purring softly. He smiled and pet him softly. Mo's purrs encouraged him to continue. Sandy again started to think of you. He could sense and feel the welcoming aura that you had. You didn't want to hurt anyone, but even when that hooded man used that whistle on you. He would have to ask Tang about the whistle, what even was it?

He cleared his mind again and reached down for his small cup, he took a sip and the familiar sound of a gong played. He started at his cup and hummed, enjoying the tea's taste. Maybe he could she you again, or even better yet invite you over for tea. He looked down at Mo, he was playing about with Sandy's beard. He chuckled, you did almost seem to like Mo and he didn't blame you. He picked Mo up and placed him on his shoulder, he meowed confused. Sandy picked up the tray and his cup. "How would you feel if I invited Y/n over?". Mo smiled and meowed again. Sandy took that as a 'yes'. He went back inside his boat and smiled to himself. Now all he had to do was find you again.

Hope you enjoyed!

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