I Love You

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You and MK had been in contact for a very long time now, it had been a full 5 months since he met and asked for your phone number. You would talk about everything, how your life was going, how he's was going. He would almost always flirt with you and it made you blush every time, letting your hair going up in flames. No one knew a thing, not one MK's friends knew and none of your family knew. Or you hoped, Red Son was becoming more and more suspicious of you and your random late night outings. But you would normal say the same excuse of how you needed a break.


Just like any other night, you snuck out from DBK's lair and teleported to MK's place above the noodle shop, you looked around. You saw his TV, his bowls of finished noodles, his unmade bed, random Monkey King related things but no MK. Weird? That's when you got a fright, a loud knocking came from his window. You turned around with your fists engulfed in flames and in a steady position. But it was him, "MK?" you said with a smile and tilted head. You got back up and the flames in your hands died down. He was wearing his work uniform and bandanna while hanging upside down and waving to you. "What are you doing?", he simply pointed up to where he was on the roof, signalling you to follow him.

He disappeared up top, you opened the window and climbed the stairs to the rooftop. There you saw MK sitting on the rooftop, on a red and orange blanket, food scattered about and him smiling at you. You chuckled and sat down beside him, "What's the occasion?" you questioned. "Occasion? Occasion I don't know about any... occasion?" MK said stuttering slightly. You stared at him with a raised brow and a smile. "Ok, there might be a occasion" MK said twiddling his thumbs about. "I just thought that maybe we could... uhhhh- finish all this food that Pigsy left over, yeah!" MK said directing your attention to the food. You frowned a little but shrugged, you didn't want to waste it and it smelled good.


You have never felt this full in your entire life. You laid down on the blanket along side MK and stared up at the stars, it was nice and peaceful. That's when MK spotted something, he sat up and pointed at the sky. "Hey Y/n! Look it's a-", you looked up and saw a shooting star but then the roar of a engine quickly dismissed that thought. The 'shooting star' came down over you both and revealed itself to be a airplane. "-shooting star" he says, finishing his sentences and laying back down again, groaning in annoyance. You simply chuckled at his demeanour.

"You seemed exited by it, were you planning on wishing about something?" you questioned, propping yourself up with your elbows. "Well um, yeah" MK said as he turned to you. "I um, actually didn't bring you here to eat food. I brought you here so I could give you this" MK says sitting up. You got up onto your knees and faced him. From behind one of noodle bowls, he produced a little brown box with a red rim around it. He placed it in your hands and you stared at the little box. You tried to look at MK but he averted your gaze by looking about the other rooftops and sky.

You opened the box, and stared at what was inside. A silver hair pin, it had a pretty flower and silver leafs surrounding it. "MK this is so sweet, thank you!" you said as looked at him. MK gave a wave of his hand, "What pssh! It wasn't that big of a deal!" he simply said, with a blush.

"Here" he says scooting closer to you. He took the pin from the box and placed it in your hair, and sat back down staring at you. "How is it?" you said with a shrug. "Beautiful... but your always beautiful so" MK said with a smirk and a wink.

You let out a snort of a laugh, covering your mouth. "You really are a idiot MK" you said shaking your head. "Well, can I be your idiot?" MK questioned looking at the ground. "Huh?" you said confused, make him your idiot? MK looked back up at you and rubbed the back of his head, his spoke in a sincere and proper tone.

"Look Y/n, all those times that I've flirted with you, made you giggle and smile made me feel amazing. They make me feel complete. I understand that I'm Monkey King's successor and your DBK's daughter, but i want to push that aside and let you know that...Well I love you" MK said staring at you. You thought about everything he said, and even though you've known each other for half a year, you felt the same.

I...I love you too MK" you responses with a smile. MK was slightly shocked by the answer. You loved him back? You cupped his face and kissed his cheek, MK just sat there frozen. You looked back at him and blushed, MK held his cheek returning the blush. "Y/n. You missed" MK simply said. "Huh? No I meant to kiss your che-eeek!!" you responses but MK pulled you close, hugging your waist and simply kissed you on the lips. Your hair burst in to massive flames, you were processing everything but you melted into the kiss. Your hair settles down as you pull away.

But then you remembered your pin, it was probably in ashes. You panicked and took it from your hair. But when in was in your hands, it wasn't in ashes it was fine. It was still the same when you saw. You looked at MK, wanting answers at how it was possible. "I had it made so it was fire resistant, still gotta thank Mei about that. I also may or may not have thrown in a couple video games for her to make it, and to stop her from questioning why I needed it" MK said with sweat drops coming down his face due to his embarrassment. You held the hair pin and laid against his shoulder. MK wrapped a hand around your waist and you sat like that.

"Thank you MK, for everything" you said with a smile. "For you, anything" MK said leaning his head atop yours, the two of you staring off out to the city.

Had no idea how to write MK's confession
Thanks for reading!

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