When you meet Tang

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Your feet hurt from all the running, your lungs hurt from the heavy breathing and your arms felt like rubber from all the food you have been carrying. Your parents assigned you to do the grocery shopping at the city's marketplace, even though you guys lived out of town. You kept dashing pass people to reach your final destination, which was the train station. People would grunt and yell at you for dashing past them but you were such a rush that you simply would yell a 'sorry' or a 'pardon me'.

You could see the train station in view and your train pulling up, you were going to make it! You prayed to whatever gods above that the train wouldn't leave without you. Buuuuut, the gods didn't hear you and you bumped into someone. The two of you tumbled to the ground as your groceries spilled out onto the pavement. You looked back up and the train was gone, it left. You mentally cursed yourself, this was bad. You heard a male voice groan, you almost forgot about the person you bumped into. You look back and see some people staring as a man with black hair, red scarf and glasses helps himself up.

"I-I'm sorry, are you ok?" you questioned reaching out to him. The man fixed his glasses and stared at you. "Oh! Yes I'm alright" the man says with a small smile. Then he looks about seeing your groceries and he begins to panic. "Oh gods, I'm sorry! Let me help!" and just like that both he and you pick up all the groceries and place them back in their bags. You both stand up and look at one another. "Sorry again, my name is Tang" Tang says as he reaches out for a handshake. "It's not your fault, i'm Y/n" you says taking his hand for a shake.

You hear him mutter something, "What was that?" you questioned. "Nothing nothing!" he simply says with a smile. Both you and Tang walk over to the station's platform and look over the time board. 2 hours, 2 hours until your next train. It was 2:01 now so at 4:00 your next train would be here. You whined, how were you going to explain this to your parents. "Uhhh Y/n. If you want I know a place we're you can eat. N-not saying you have to, i-it's just a offer!" tang says in a almost flustered mess. "No I'll come, thank you" you says with a chuckle. While Tang gives you a wholesome smile, the both of you carrying your groceries to wherever.


You both reach a little noodle shop. "Pigsy's Noodles" you read aloud. "Yep, great food. Besides I know the owner" Tang says with a shrug and a smirk. You both walk in and find a girl with black a green hair on her phone, a pig man who was cleaning the counter and a massive blue man talking with a boy with spiky hair mopping the floor. "Mr Tang? What are you doing here?" the kid questions making the blue man stop talking. The girl looked up from her phone to see you and Tang, and the pig man stops cleaning the counter top.

"We're just here for some noodles. This is Y/n. Y/n these are my friends. Sandy, MK, Mei and Pigsy" he says while showing you off and pointing to each person. Everyone says hello or hi and continue with whatever they were doing. "Alright Tang, if you think you can bribe a customer into paying your food-" but as Pigsy was about to finish his sentence, Tang slid over some money. Pigsy looked up at him and then the money again. "Is something the matter Pigsy?" Tang questioned with a smile. "Wh-Uhh. N-no, everything is ok" Pigsy stammered.

Tang looked over at you, you were fishing around in your purse for your money but Tang put his hand over yours. "You don't have to pay, I will pay for you" he said. "Oh no! I couldn't just let you-". "Please, take it as a apology for bumping into you" he says with a gleeful smile. You blushed slightly, he was so caring and had a great smile. You nodded sheepishly and put your wallet back in your bag. Pigsy looked over you, Tang and the money. He counted it up and it was all there, full price. "I don't know what kind tricks you play on him, but feel free to come back anytime" Pigsy whispers with a wink. You chuckle at Pigsy words as he leaves to make your noodles.

You and Tang talked while Pigsy made and served your noodles. You ate and slurped up the noodles happily and Tang seemed pleased you liked Pigsy's food. You were talking and the subject of groceries came up. "So quick question, why do you have so much food?" Tang questions, using his chopstick to point at the bags of food around you. You slurp up a noodle and speak. "Well my parents decided it would be a good idea and rush me to get food, since we are having some friends over for dinner" you groan. "All by yourself?". "Yep" you said popping the p.

"Y/n, ain't your train here at 4:00?" Pigsy questioned, out of nowhere. "Yes?" you say unsure. Pigsy moves his head to shop a clock on the wall, it read 3:58. You shrieked in shock, you quickly slurped up the soup of your noodles. Gathered up your bags and were ready to dash but you turned back. "Pleasure meeting you all, thank you for the food Pigsy! I hope to see you again soon Tang!" you yelled with a sweet smile. And just like that you dashed off to the train station. Pigsy shook his head and chuckled, "She is a interesting one". Tang sighed happily, "She is".

As Tang slurped up the soup he heard MK speak up. "Hey who's book is this?". Tang places the bowl down as he looks over at MK. Mei and Sandy surrounding him as well. Tang swipes the book from MK grasp and looks over it. It was a book about astronomy, interesting. Tang opened up the book and finds your full name and address in it. He runs outside, trying to find you but you were long gone. He reads over the address and smiles, was this a sign? A sign the meet him again? He didn't know but he smiled sheepishly, he hoped to meet you again and to return your book.

Hope y'all liked it
Also had no idea what the book should
have been about so I just chose that
Sorry if your not interested in astronomy

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