People Find Out

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Everything was going smooth with MK. You both knew you had to keep the relationship on the down low. The successor of Monkey King and the daughter of DBK, crazy to think but you loved each other. You snuck out more and more to meet up with MK. Red Son and Princess Iron Fan would question you about where you were, yet you would make a excuse and slip by the consequences. Like any other day you went over to MK's place to meet up and spend some one on one time.


You arrived at MK's window and knocked on it. He opened the curtains and gave a wide smile. He happily opened the window, grabbed your waist and spun you inside his apartment. "Babe!" he cheered happily, kissing the dot on your forehead. "Hehe, hello MK" you said as he dropped you back down.

"What brings you to my fine establishment?" he said with a small smirk. You roll your eyes playfully at him, "You called me. Remember?". "Oh yeah" MK said rather blankly, he forgot he called you. Wow. You took his hand and sat on the bed. MK decided to sit on the floor and pull out his portable gaming device.

He sat in between your legs and you played with his hair, twisting it and sometimes letting the ends go up in small flames. MK was shaking his head and you would peer over to his game to see how he was doing. You would find it adorable whenever he stuck his tongue out in concentration. Sometimes if he was struggling he would hand the game to you and swap positions. You on the floor playing the game and MK on the bed playing with your hair.

But suddenly loud thumps were heard by both of you and the yell of a female voice. "MK!". You and MK perked up at the sound. Suddenly, Mei burst though the door holding her phone. "MK! You won't believe what I just-", she stared at the two of you. You both stare back at her. Her look of confusion backed one of shock. "MK?! You and Y/n?!" she yelled as she pointed at the two of you. You just sat there, unsure of what to do. MK gave a squeaky answer, "Uhhh, yes?".

Mei dashed up to the two of you and pushed you away from MK. "MK! Tell me what spell this demon is using on you?!" she says as she shakes him violently. "There is no spell", Mei and MK turned to you. You got up and dusted yourself off. "I was hoping it wouldn't take this soon for a explanation" you said. "What. Do. You. Mean?" Mei said in a very dark tone to you. You felt like an ant compared to her. "W-well um. I-I what is-" you stuttered. But MK quickly rushed to your aid and hugged you. "We're dating!" MK said with a proud smile. You just face palmed yourself.


You knew it was only going to be down hill from here, and boy were you right. Mei MARCHED the two of you to Pigsy's noodle shop where Pigsy, Mei and Tang were yelling at the two of you. Mainly MK and his choices in dating you, even though he saw no wrong. Sandy was trying to calm the other down, telling them to think about it rationally. Pigsy held the bridge of his nose,

"MK. This is the most stupidest thing you've ever done. She's the Demon Bull King's daughter!". "Not to mention the biggest bad guy who Monkey King was trying to keep locked up, she is the daughter of HIM!" Mei said as she flailed her arms about.

You and MK sat there trying to process everything. You had debated if you should teleport out of there but you felt bad for MK and knew he wouldn't be able to survive this alone. "Please. Both of you. Explain to us WHY you thought this was a good idea" Tang said as he rubbed his face in frustration. You both look at one another and give each other a unsure look. You decided to take the lead, "Well. Ever since we've known each other we look past the whole DBK Sun Wukong thing". "Yeah we just look at each other like people, not enemies" MK said as he gave a unsure smile and shrug.

Everyone gave a small glare, aside from Sandy. "Alright listen. You're both young and I can get behind the fact that you kids make stupid decisions. But MK, if something happens like this again. Tell us" Pigsy said as he pointed to MK. "So we're good?" MK questioned tilting his head. Pigsy sighed and gave a small smile, "I guess, either way we know we can't stop you love birds". "What?!" Mei yelled. You and MK happily hugged each other at the new. You could continue your relationship! Sandy got in on the hug and chuckled happily.

Sandy let go of the two of you and MK was starting to get interrogated a little bit more about your relationship. How it started and all that stuff. But as your eyes drifted you saw Mei, leaning against the wall with a noticeable scowl. You bit your lip and walked over, you knew you had to settle this debate. You tapped Mei's shoulder, "Yes?" she said coldly. You gave in sharp inhale.

"Listen Mei. I just want to apologize. I know this is all a little bizarre, how your enemy is dating you BFF. But I really do love MK. And I know you have a relationship that I can't break and I don't want to get in the way of. I know you don't like me but I at least want us to get along, for MK's sake".

Mei's expression softened as you spoke. Her mouth twisted as she thought, "No I should also say sorry. I didn't mean to come off as rude or snobby. I just don't want MK's heart to be broken" Mei said as she smiled. "I understand" you nodded. "But I swear if you break his heart, I'll break you" Mei said with a frown. "I doubt it'll top that kick you gave me when we first met" you said with a grin. "Oh yeah! I remember that, you look so scared!" Mei chuckled. "What?! No I wasn't scared!" "You so were!" "Wasn't!" "Were!" "Wasn't!" "Were!". The two of you went back and forth jokingly and the others chuckled at your behavior.

I know it has been a while
Hope you enjoyed!

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