Taylor has two more classes in the evening and Rose is just finishing up some sketches before she goes off to work at the library in the afternoon, but she made it a mission to see him today after being with Luke all on Sunday. She felt a little guilty for ditching him after the date they went on, but she didn't feel guilty enough to stop herself from inviting Marley to hang with them so they aren't left completely alone.

It's not that Rose doesn't want to be left alone with Taylor, she's just a little nervous about him trying to kiss her again when she's not so sure that's what she wants.

This kiss they shared wasn't bad by any means, but it wasn't exactly how Rose thought a kiss should be with someone she's sort of dating. She thought it was alright at first, maybe something she needed to try again and see if she accidentally missed the spark between them, but then she was held by Luke the next day and felt everything by just lying on top of his chest.

She absolutely hated herself for thinking like that, but she couldn't exactly stop herself from being overcome with the love she has for Luke on a perfect day like Sunday.

Rose feels a little guilty for feeling like that after everything that happened with Liz and Luke, but she can't deny that her alone time with Luke was as sweet as old times with him. It felt like she was replanting her favorite flower as the season for it arrives once more, excitement for watching it flourish stirring in her heart.

Though it did pain her at times to lie with him like that and think that this was as far as they would ever go, they would never be more than that. But Rose has never been able to separate herself from situations like that with Luke, she wants to take advantage of the sweet moments she does get with him as she fears it's an endangered time that could abruptly end.

Rose will keep spinning under Luke's outstretched arm for as long as she can, no matter how dizzy or sick she feels from it, hoping that it'll end with him pulling her in instead of her falling down.

"Are you all ready for Saturday?" Marley asks and Rose immediately flashes her a wide smile as she nods quickly.

Rose couldn't wait for Saturday. She's been ready for the big art showcase for what seems like weeks, she was ecstatic to display her final painting of Luke and a few other pieces she's worked on this year.

"I'm a little nervous for it, but mostly excited," Rose says all giddily, her dimple popping in her cheek as she thinks about it, "what about you?"

Marley nods as she gathers up her dyed blue hair into a lower bun, pulling it out of her face as the sun is directed right onto their table. "I'm more ready for it to be done with, but that's mainly because I didn't care much for anything I did."

Rose shakes her head and gently swats at her arm, "Don't even say that, Mar. Your stuff is incredible, everyone will love it."

Marley pushes her lips to the side as she mindlessly picks at the chipping wood of the picnic table, her black nail polish being scratched away as she does so. Her grey eyes fall to Taylor and she nods in his direction, "What about you, Taylor? Any of your sculpting projects making it to the showcase?"

"No, not this time, didn't make the deadline," Taylor says, then looks over to Rose with a content expression as he nudges her with his shoulder, "I will be there to support this one, though."

Marley glances between the two of them, her eyes squinting as she bounces back and forth from Rose to Taylor. She can't decide if she likes them together or not, she knows she's the one who suggested it to Rose, but now that they're hanging out more it's like two similar puzzle pieces that just don't fit right.

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