By the time we were in the skybox, the noise of the crowd dimmed, the floor-lengthened sound-proof windows blocking out the sound of cheers. The speakers were on, indicating the fifteen-minute countdown before the start of the game.

"River's gonna be here, right?" Zion asked Pearl as he grabbed a few snacks from the coffee table surrounding the comfortable couches behind the front row seats in front of the glass.

"Yeah," Pearl took a seat beside me. "And Edvany's going to perform in the half-time show with Achilles' Voice. I think she's one of them now."

The proud smile on her face was indicative of just how close they were despite two separate careers. Edvany was slowly making her way to the top of most listened to solo artists, but a few months ago, she was allowed to make music with a band she adored for years. I guessed this was the opening to that pathway. They had similar music genres, most of their songs being indie-pop and rock. It was no wonder why Gabriel blasted their music most of the time. I never complained, just jammed along with him.

River entered the room five minutes before the game, followed by his daughter, Nia, who sprinted to Zion. She jumped on him, making him grunt at the sudden blow. She wore a grin similar to her father's as Zion faked a wince.

"Uncle Z!" She squeezed his head in a hug before doing the same to Pearl, and whispering to her, "his cap looks funny."

Zion heard her not-so-quiet whisper, took his cap off and gently slipped it on her head. It was massive on her, making Nia look as cute as ever with her light hair drowned in the hat. Her brown eyes glared at Zion, making River laugh as he greeted us.

He hadn't looked the same in a year. His brown eyes didn't gleam as they usually did, and his smile never appeared to be at its fullest. River had grown a stubble and decided it had been better than the clean-shaven look he'd worn up till a year ago. Teagan leaving him did some damage, more internally than anyone knew.

"Is Nico not here?" River fist-pumped me as he walked past and plopped into the seats before the glass. Nia followed and sat on his lap, stealing Zion's cap despite her earlier comment.

"Running a bit late," Pearl said, and I didn't miss the small look she gave Zion. He tried to hide a smile, and something about that made me a little curious.

Despite their continuous glances, I concentrated on the game as it started. The players jogged out, and I was quick to spot Gabriel's number, 13. It was the number he wore in high school, and now, four years later, he kept it in honour of his dad, who was watching from the front row seats below us. Gabby's mum and sisters were at the front, too. They said they wanted to be as close to him as possible, and I was glad their family relationships were strengthened over the years. They were happier than ever.

After the national anthem boomed through the speakers, the game began, and the buzz was back to the crowd as they cheered louder than ever. River pointed at the glass, trying to help Nia spot Gabby. Once she saw him catch the ball many times over the next fifteen minutes, she couldn't stop smiling.

The door burst open just as the first touchdown was made by our team. Our attention swirled to Nico as he almost smashed the door open and slammed it shut behind him. He was grinning already.

"Where's my favourite girl?" He began looking around the room, pretending to look for Nia in the smallest corners.

Her high-pitched giggle gave her away as she snuggled deeper into her dad's chest, failing to hide from her uncle. Nico couldn't help but laugh as he rushed to her and practically snatched her away. He was quick to find a seat beside us and kept Nia on his lap, pressing a soft kiss to her head. He pointed out Gabriel and cheered the loudest when Gabriel caught hold of the ball.

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