Chapter 32

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A/N- Hello my loves, I promise I didn't forget about you.  Life as always is exciting and unpredictable but I am here to say that we shall move forward!  Thank you all so much for your support on this story, I never thought it would even be read, let alone cherished by so many of you lovely readers.  Thank you for your comments, votes, and likes. I absolutely adore reading the comments it makes me smile hard.  On to the story!

"Okay, so let me get this whole story straight before I confuse myself even more.  Spence said he wanted a baby and you were initially hesitant," Delilah asked over Facetime, her eyes squinting. 

"Yes," Zena responded slightly annoyed, having gone over the story twice already with her.

"And then when you finally decided you were ready, he just looked at you and then turned away... and neither of you have spoken about it since," the best friend confirmed.

"Yes," Zena once again repeated, rolling her eyes and slightly raising her voice.  "I mean, I don't get it. We've never had communication issues before.  We talk everything through, when we feel like something was wrong we clarify. If we both feel wrong or both feel right we do the research in the same room to come to a common conclusion.  I'm not sure what has changed, and I think I am scared to find out!"

"Do you think that suddenly life became very real for him? Like he has wanted this half him, half you, full genius little alien for so long, and now that it is in within reach he is absolutely terrified.  He's human too, Z.  Sometimes I think you're so clouded by his charm and wit that you forget he's a person who experiences human emotion."

"Delilah I know he's a fucking person. I just don't think it is reasonable for a person to act like this when they were the one who wanted it. He said it first, he wanted the kid first. I would be sacrificing everything I've worked for to have this kid.  And while I would love to have a kid with him, I don't want to feel like it's a chore because he is suddenly disinterested.  I mean, for crying out loud he-" Zena was cut off by her work phone feverishly buzzing.  "Delilah I'm going to have to call you back, I'm getting an FBI call. Love you," she said, hanging up the phone and answering the other.

"This is Agent Barbarage."

"Barbarage, it's Hotch.  Get a sub or cancel your classes.  Wheels up in an hour we will fill you in on the jet."

Without hesitation Zena began to tidy up her office putting away stray pens and pencils.  She then reached behind Spencer's favorite arm chair to grab her go bag.  Slinging it over her shoulder she hurried out the office door, shutting the lights and locking it behind her, hanging a little note that stated:

'on a top secret mission, feel free to email and text me for any and all needs.  I love all of my aspiring environmentalists'. 

When she finally made it to Quantico, she was ushered straight to the jet, where everyone was seated, the empty seat (next to Spencer, of course) had a freshly printed file.  She began to sift through the file when Hotch began to explain the case.

"We have two missing children.  The parents took their two kids camping over the weekend in the Appalachian mountains.  The parents say the children went to sleep in their own tent, and when they woke up the next morning the kids were gone."

The plane ride was long, and Zena spent most of it going over the files trying to hypothesize what may have happened to these two poor children.  She thought about talking to Spencer while the rest of the crew spent the flight sleeping, but decided that she wouldn't let their personal issues interfere with the case, and after both kids have been found safe and sound, she would dedicate that time to fixing whatever issue she felt she started.

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