Chapter 30

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A.N - Hi! This short chapter is a little smutty, so if you're not into that stuff, skip to the ~~~~~ and read underneath it.  I hope everyone is doing happy and staying healthy.  Please feel free to reach out I truly love all of your little comments.  much love xx

"What a night. I'm just about ready for bed," Spencer said, throwing his dress coat on the banister.

Zena however, had other plans. Because when Garcia asked if she had gotten something sexy for Spencer, she had. In fact, she wore it under her outfit she wore to Rossi's place.

Zena walked over to Spencer, giving him a rough kiss. At first he was caught off guard, but kissed her back with the same intensity. He tangled his fingers in her long, dark hair pulling at it causing her to moan into his mouth.

"You know, maybe I'm not as tired as I thought. Let's take this upstairs," Spencer mumbled against her lips.

When the two made it upstairs, clothes began to fly off the couple. When Zena was rid of her dinner clothes, Spencer couldn't help but stare at her in absolute awe. "You are absolutely stunning," he whispered in her ear, lifting her up. She wrapped her legs around his torso as he guided the two to the bed.

When the two collided with the bed, their lips met once again. This time, Zena latched her fingers onto Spencer's hair, tugging just as he had done to her. Spencer unclasped her bra, removing it immediately, kissing her nipples lightly, causing Zena to moan once again. Toying with her nipples in his mouth, he made his way down her chest to her stomach, trailing kisses on her toned stomach, down to her thighs, all while playing with the hem of her panties. He could feel her squirming beneath his touch, and it excited him. He pulled down her wet panties and began to kiss around her sensitive clit. After hearing her gasp, he couldn't wait any longer, he began to lick her clit rhythmically, swirling his tongue. After a few moments, he inserted two fingers into her wet pussy, causing her to moan loudly. Zena could feel a climax building in her core.

"Fuck me," she pleaded. "I want to cum on your dick."

Spencer flipped his wife over, putting her on her hands and knees. He positioned himself behind her, aligning his hard cock with her wet slit. As he pushed himself into her, he couldn't help but to moan, hearing Zena do the same. He thrusted into her, rubbing her clit in circles.

"Spencer, fuck baby. Harder."

"You feel fucking amazing," he whispered in her ear, thrusting harder into her. He began to feel her pussy tighten around his cock.

"Come for me baby," he said, pushing even harder.

Moments later, Zena came undone on his hard cock. After riding her orgasm, she turned around, and began to pepper small kisses on the tip of his dick. Zena Bobbed her head up and down, feeling Spencer twitch in her mouth.

"Fuck, baby. I'm cumming," Spencer told her, thrusting into her mouth.


Panting heavily, the two laid next to each other on their backs.

"I don't know if this is the right time to talk about this," Spencer started, turning over onto his side to talk to his wife. "But would you want to try and ya know... get pregnant," Spencer asked shyly.

Zena slightly chuckled at her husbands shyness. "I definitely want kids with you. What would be cuter than a little us running around the house with Pavlov? I just don't know; I feel like we wouldn't be great parents at this point. We both work multiple, crazy jobs. If we have a kid, I want to make sure that we do it right. That we are there for them, they know they are loved. I love us, and I want a family. But I don't want to stop my career just yet, and I know you don't either."

"What if I took sabbatical?" He looked at her with such a seriousness that it was almost terrifying. "I will drop everything if it means I get to be a father to our child."

"You would do that?" Tears brimmed her emerald eyes, of admiration but also guilt. "Wow, I feel like a terrible person right now," she admitted.

"Zena, you shouldn't feel guilty for wanting to continue your job. You change and save lives every day. I would never want to take that away from you. But, I know that I want us to have a kid, and I know that I would take as much time off as needed for us to make both lifestyles work. What do you say?"


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