Chapter 31

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A.N- hello my beautiful people.  After a very long mental health break, I am back to posting consistently.  I've missed you all and have been so grateful for your votes and comments on the story. They make my day.  Enough rambling, here we go!

Zena decided to take the time to really think about the decision, which Spencer couldn't help but admire her for. He respected that she would take the time to consider all components of the situation before bringing a new life into the world.

Meanwhile, life carried on for the two agents as fast as it ever had. Zena felt like the her office had become her second home, and the BAU had become her third. If she wasn't lecturing she was out in the field, it was a never ending cycle, and yet she loved every moment of it.

"Come on Pavlov, hop in the car. We're going to class today!" Zena was extremely excited to bring Pavlov into her classroom. Her students were absolutely dying to see her dog in real life, especially since she started including pictures of Pavlov onto her lecture slides.

"Good morning my beautiful environmentalists. I hope we're having an absolutely fantastic day. If you aren't I have a surprise that will turn any frown upside down. Come here boy." And out ran Pavlov, tongue flapping as he sprinted towards the front row. The students chorused "aww" and began to laugh and clap.

The lecture went by smoothly, with Pavlov weaving in and out of the legs of the students, and optimal feedback from students. With about 20 minutes left Zena felt her phone start to buzz in her pocket. She decided to ignore it and continue teaching. After the lesson she fetched pavlov from the last row of the lecture hall and looked at her phone, 3 missed calls from Hotch. "Fuck," she whispered to herself, quickly dialing him back.

"Zena, thank you for getting back to me. I need you in the office immediately. We need all hands on deck for this case."

"I'll be there in an hour. I'll call you from the car for the round table," she said shuffling papers around and haphazardly throwing them into her backpack.

During the drive the team filled Zena in on their new case. Three bodies were found in Portland, all between the ages of 25-30. It was odd to Zena because two of the bodies were buried in the same grave and 6 months old, but the other dead body was approximately 2 days old. As she pulled into the office, she grabbed Pavlov and her go bag, quickly speeding towards the office.

Before heading through the glass doors, Zena made a turn towards the beautifully decorated computer room belonging to none other than Penelope Garcia.

"Hey Pen, can I come in?" Zena pushed the door open, guiding Pavlov in behind her.

"My wonderful Zena, please come in-OH MY GOODNESS MY FAVORITE FUR BABY!"

All attention was taken off of Zena as Penelope scooped Pavlov into her lap and hugged him.

"I'm going to Portland with the team. Is it okay if I leave Pavlov here for a couple of days?"

Penelope looked at Zena with the largest grin on her face. "I would be honored to spend time with him while you're gone! You're about to come back to the most spoiled dog in the world."

Zena laughed and hugged Garcia. "As if he could be any more spoiled. Thanks Garcia, I really owe you one."

"Barbarage, how are you lil mama," Morgan said excitedly as Zena entered the office.

Zena laughed and gave him a hug "I'm ready to get on this case."


Dark Academia- Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now