[ 2 ] Hugs and Cuddles

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The Next Morning

Sanyu stirred in her sleep and sits on the bed rubbing her eyes. She looked on his side which was empty and checked the time 09.30 am. Her mobile rings and she took her mobile answering face time him.

"Helloooo..." She sang lazily and heard a thorny laugh from him.

"My little lazy wife. Rise and shine." He chuckled and she made a face.

"Can I go out and play with Fiona and Clifford?" She asked hopefully.

"No, go and get fresh up. Take a good bath. The maid will be there soon with your breakfast." He replied adoring her messy look.

"Hitler, Hitler, Hitler... monster..." She shouted at him and cut the call.

He laughed shaking his head and went back into the conference meeting. She rushed into the bathroom and took a long relaxing bath. After having a bath she come out and wore shorts and a t-shirt. She heard a knock on the door and went to open the door.

"If I go out then how would he know what am I doing?" Sanyu asked that maid.

"I don't know ma'am but he had his ways around. Your breakfast is here." She said passing her a trolley.

"Thank you for the breakfast," Sanyu said with a smile and closed the door.

She dragged the trolley to the bed and sat there. She turns on the TV and put on Netflix. She took the tray and glanced at a lot of breakfast.

Avocado smoothie... yukkkk.... He made her drink yesterday. I won't drink it today. He won't know about it. Sanyu is so smart.

Her mobile rang and she cursed that person who is none other than her dear husband. She took the mobile to her ear answering the call.

"Face time me." He said.

"No. Don't you have a meeting? Why don't you leave me alone?" She asked with a frown.

"Now before I cancel the meeting and come back home." He said in a stern voice and she face time him.

"What? See I'm having breakfast." She said showing him the tray.

"Good. Now finish it all. I'm watching you." He said smiling inwardly.

"Why are you spying on me? I'll finish it all." She said pouting at him.

"I know your mischief mind that's why I've stopped meeting for 15 minutes." He said shaking his head and she kept the mobile near the pillow.

There was a bowl of mixed veggies which was looking dangerous to her and she gulped while giving a small smile at him she took it. She eat it and made a face then looked at him with pleading eyes and he glared back at her. She finished the breakfast expect that smoothie.

"Finish it, sweetheart." He mouthed pointing at the glass.

She unwillingly gulp down the smoothie and placed the glass in the tray with a force that showed her anger toward him. She hangs up and put the tray in the trolley.


Randhir returned home and directly went back to his room. He entered the room but didn't find her and placed his bag on the couch. He walked to the balcony and saw her sitting on a bench. There was a huge frown on her face and that made him chuckle.

"Someone is angry." He teased standing near her chair.

She didn't look at him and twisted her lips.

"Oh... ignoring me. Alright, then I'll give this delicious thing to someone else." He said showing her a bag.

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