Chapter 25

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Harry's POV

I looked behind me to see darkness, shadows. Then, Professor Lockhart stepped out of them. I let out a sigh in relief.

"Professor, thank goodness you're in here, could you please help me open the door? I would like to get back to the common room before curfew." I said.

Lockhart let out another chuckle before walking towards me. I couldn't see his eyes but I could see his sinister grin. It made my blood run cold.

"Professor, could you open the door and let us out please?" I asked again, before taking a step back.

Once again, Lockhart didn't answer me, and kept on walking towards me, until I had my back against the wall and he was right in front of me.

"P-professor, what are you doing?"

Lockhart grabbed me.

"Professor let go of me!"

He grabbed my shirt.

"P-professor let go of me!"

He took my shirt off. I looked into his eyes for the first since being locked in here. There was one word to describe his gaze.


"Professor let go of my pants!"

"Let go of me!"



Heeey <3 sorry I haven't posted in a while, I will try to get back on a schedule on posting weekly, I haven't been doing a lot of writing but hopefully I can get the motivation to soon, I already have the next two chapters written and the plot thought which I still need to write down buut as I said I will try to be posting more frequently anyways have a good day/morning/afternoon/night BYEEEE!!!

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