Chapter 11

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No one's POV

As the days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, nothing got better for Harry. The Slytherins hated him for being a Potter and the rest of the school either feared or hated him because he was a Slytherin. Because of this Harry was usually found alone when studying in the library or walking in the halls between classes. Even at meals there was always a small gap between him and whoever was sitting next to him.

Because of this, it made Harry a key victim for bullies, both in and out of Slytherin. People in the halls, most often Polly and her two friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, would stop him in the halls when no teachers or prefects were around and send jinxes and hexes his way, sometimes they would even throw a few punches and kicks his way.

Harry never did anything about it though. He was too focused on trying to get good enough grades to impress his parents. Even though James sent a howler the second day at Hogwarts, basically saying that he was only a Potter in blood and that even then he was a disgrace and would never be good enough, Harry still tried to please them. Besides, why worry about your physical health, which would simply heal over time, when grades were far more important.

Because of this, Harry kept quiet, knowing the teachers no doubt already knew about the bullying but chose to do nothing about it, even if he were to talk to them about it, and put a glamor on himself during classes, as to not bring any unwanted attention.

As the months went by, Harry would overhear Polly, Weasley, and Granger, commonly known as the Golden Trio, talk about a three-headed dog in the third floor corridor, and something being guarded there, something that belonged to Nicolas Flamel. Of course Harry almost instantly knew it was the Philosopher's stone, though it made him wonder why Dumbledore would keep such a valuable and powerful thing like that in a school full of eleven-seventeen year old children. I guess that's why people call him Dumb-ledore.

Eventually Harry's curiosity got the better of him and he 'accidently' overheard when they were going to retrieve the stone, in June the night before they went home. Harry, clearly out of only curiosity, decided he would sneak down with them, though behind them so they didn't see him. Once June hit, Harry was ready, then the night hit.

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