Part 19 Epilogue

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Hailey POV

I got out of the hospital four weeks later. I was so happy to see my brothers and dad again. Nick was always with me. He was so loving and caring that I fell more in love with him. Alex and Elijah started to date, which surprised me. I thought Eli was straight, but it turned out he was gay. My family was working with the FBI now. They managed to catch all the mafia members, even my step-mom. My uncle and his family were safe in Canada.

Today is when Nick and I move to our house in Richmond. We wanted to be near our family, but not too close; they all live in New York. So I opened the door to our house and walked in alone. I see heart-shaped balloons and rose petals everywhere. I frown but step forward. There isn't anyone in sight, so I look at the backyard. Nick is standing there alone in his black suit. "Hey, honey. What is going on?" I ask him.

He turns to me and smiles, "Hailey, you are here. I have been waiting for you. You remember when I asked you to be my home?" I nod, and he continues, "well, I have been looking for home almost my whole life. When I met you, I knew you would change my life. And you did, in many ways. I feel at peace when I am with you. I would do anything for you; I love you to the moon and back. I want to be by your side forever. Honey, would you do me the honor and marry me? Please, become my wife." He is on his knee in front of me, holding a diamond ring, and I feel tears sliding down my cheeks, but I smile, "Yes, of course. I love you too." He smiles at me and slips the ring on my finger.

We kiss, and then we hear cheers around us. Our families are here with us celebrating. I was so happy, we danced and ate a lot. My brothers are drinking, but I don't want to because I want to remember this day. Nick held my hand or hugged me all the time. "Nick, I want to go inside. I am tired," I say to him after midnight. "Okay, we should say goodnight and then go to bed. Okay?" I nod and wait for him to get everyone's attention.

"Thank you all for coming. You are welcome to continue the party, but my fiance is tired, so we are saying good night. See you in the morning." I hear my brother Andy booing; I chuckle at that. "By nice, Andy. It is not every day your sister gets engaged," my dad scolds him.

I hug my dad and brothers. Then I felt sick and ran inside the bathroom and puked. Nick comes after me, "babe, what's wrong? Do we need to go to the hospital?" I shake my head and puke again. "Hailey, I am going to call the doctor." I wipe my mouth, "no, Nick. There is no need." "What do you mean? Healthy people don't puke all of a sudden."

I smile at him, "yeah, well, women do if pregnant." He looks at me, shocked, and squeaks, "what? You are pregnant?" I nod at him. He drops down to his knees and pulls me between his arms. "Hi, baby. It is your daddy. I am going to keep you and your momma safe. I love you." I have tears in my eyes when he sees me in tears, "honey, I love you so much. When can we get married." I chuckle, "we just got engaged, but I think we can get married about two months, maybe faster if you find some help." "Okay, we will make it happen. I want you to by my wife in six weeks." "Okay, I think we can manage that."

The next day, Nick told everyone that we were expecting a baby and the wedding date. Dec was unhappy that I got knot up before the wedding, but dad calmed him down. We recruited my brothers to help with the wedding. I was happy.

Six weeks later, we were married and on our way to the honeymoon. Of course, Nick didn't want to tell me where we were going, but I didn't care much. As long as I had him beside me, I was happy no matter where we were.

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