Part 4

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That night in my room, I wondered about what dad said. I had an uncle, so I didn't have my brothers. "What did you do?" I talked to my brothers again. "I know you did something stupid. Why couldn't you leave things alone? Why did you leave me?" I was crying again.

There was a light knock on the door. I wiped my tears, "come in." "Are you alright?" Eli stepped into the room. New tears fell; he came to me and pulled me in his arms. He held me until I calmed down. "Thanks," I pulled away from him. He gave me a sad smile, "I am sorry. It has to be hard on you, and I was a jerk to you before." "It's all forgotten." And it was. "I have not thought about our first meeting at all. It was like someone else, not you." "Okay, thank you. Do you want to talk about why you are crying?"

"My brothers. I miss them." "I miss them too. What do you want to do tomorrow?" "I think I should go get my things from the apartment. After that, I don't know." "Okay, we can go after breakfast." "You are coming with me?" He smiled at me, "yes. I am your bodyguard, after all. I have to make sure you are safe. I will be everywhere you go." I growled, "great. You got what you wanted. Time with me." He laughed, and I joined him. "Okay, get some rest. Good night, peanut." "Good night."

The following day I felt better, but I missed my brothers. So that morning, I ate waffles with whipped cream and strawberries for breakfast. "Dani, are you ready to go?" Eli asked. "Yeah, let's go." I gave him the address because he wanted to drive me there. I was reluctant to let him at first.

When I opened my door, Eli pulled me back quickly. He took out a gun I didn't know he had and entered the apartment first, "follow me." All my stuff was scattered around. "How did they find you? Were you followed? Did you feel someone following you?" "No, I didn't. I don't know how." He looked concerned, "I have to make a call."

"Okay," I started to pick up my clothes when he stepped near the front door. I didn't listen to his conversation. Instead, I picked up a photo of my brothers and me. It was wrinkled, and it made me cry. I got angry at myself for being weak. I whipped the tears away and picked up more of my things. I put them in my suitcase.

"Dani, we have to leave. Now." Eli ushered me out of the apartment without my things. "Why?" "If they were here, they may be watching the place and waiting for you to show up. So we have to go to the safe house." "Safehouse? Like in the movies? They are never safe, you know." He smiled and shook his head. "Well, this one is safe. Your brothers and I designed it. It has all the necessary features; bulletproof windows, reinforced steel doors, and more." "Okay, but I can say I told you so when that isn't safe."

I started to wonder, "Is Jack there?" "No, he is at the house. That has more security, and it isn't wise to be in the same place." "Oh, I get it. It is better to be in separate places; the bad guys have to divide themselves—fewer bad guys to come after us." He smiled at me, "yeah, that's the idea." "Why are they after me? I don't know anything."

"I am not sure. Did your brothers give you something to hold for safekeeping?" I thought about it, "no. They didn't. I don't know what they were up to, which drives me crazy." "But they had to give you something." I frowned because I heard the frustration in his voice. It made me cautious because why would he be like that. It didn't make sense, and it made a red flag to stand up. "Eli, may I borrow your phone. They don't know to track that." He looked at me but handed to phone over.

I quickly taped the number in; I had to call him, which was a desperate move for me. I said, "bird flew, eagle follows, vulture circle." There was a pause before he answered, "track, trace, hide." I knew what that meant; I wasn't safe with Eli. "Copy." "In motion." "Over and out." I ended the call and deleted the number.

"What was that? Who did you call? Was that a code?" I was in thought that I didn't pay any attention to Eli. "Dani, who was that?" "Huh. What?" "I asked who was that? Was that a code?" "Oh, that was a friend. And yes, it was a code." "Okay, what does that means?" "I only explained my situation in short." "How was that an explanation? I didn't get it." "You didn't have to get it. You already know the situation." "Who is your friend?" "That is a secret, and I will not discuss it with anyone."

Before we reached the safehouse, we made a stop in a shop. We bought food, and Eli let me go to the bathroom. I needed to get away from him. I didn't know him, and Nick said to hide. Which means I am not safe with Eli. A lady was washing her hands, "excuse me. Can I ask you a favor? Can you tell me when that man is not looking in this direction? I think he is following me." "Sure," she said with a smile. She motioned me when the coast was clear. I thanked her and ran.

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