Part 6

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I am happy that Nick and Alex came to help me. When we reached the apartment Nick rented, I went to the kitchen. I made sandwiches for us. Then, we sat down to eat, "Nicky. How have you been?" "I have been working." I rolled my eyes, "like always. Have a girlfriend yet?" Alex chuckled, and Nick frowned, "no. Why?" "I thought you were old enough to have one by now."

Alex burst out laughing. Nick hit his shoulder, "shut up. It is not funny." I smiled, "yes, it is. You know, Anthony had a girlfriend last year. It went south quickly. He picked the wrong girl; she is a bitch." "Yeah, I heard about that. You have a boyfriend?" "No, the one I like doesn't like me that way. And I am okay with it for now. I have too much going on, again."

Nick frowned but grew severe, "who? Do I know him?" I looked at Alex, who rolled his eyes. "You are so stupid, brother." "What?" I chuckled. Alex whispered to me, "the same one?" I nodded. "You know who it is?" Nick asked. "Yeah, I do." "Why does he know, and I don't?" I smiled at Nick, "that was an accident. He was with me when I was drunk last year. I spilled the beans then; I didn't mean to say anything. So don't feel bad about it." "You know, you can tell me anything. Right?" "Yeah, I know. But that is not important right now." Nick nodded and left the room.

Alex came and hugged me, "I can't believe how stupid my brother can be. But, you know, he likes you a lot. So maybe you should tell him. Otherwise, you both will be miserable alone." I smiled at him, "I know, but what if he still sees me as a little girl. I can't risk losing him; I don't have anyone except you two." "I know; we are not going anywhere." "Thanks."

I went to bed early because I was exhausted. I woke up in the middle of the night panting. I had another nightmare.

I saw movement in the corner of my eye. "Hails, are you okay? I heard your scream." Nick was in my room, looking at me with a concerned face. I waved my hand, "yeah, just a nightmare." He came to me and pulled me in his arms. "Babe, everything is going to be okay." He whispered to me; my heartbeat raised hearing him say, babe. He held me gently but firmly. "Will you stay?" "Yeah, I will stay with you." Finally, I drifted to sleep when he whispered, "I am never leaving you, princess."

In the morning, I woke up in Nick's arms. I felt safe and warm. Nick smiled at me when I lifted my eyes to his face, "morning, beautiful." I blushed, "hi." "You know, you look cute when you sleep." My cheeks went dark red now; I felt my face warming up. "Um, you watched me sleeping?" "I didn't want to wake you, so I didn't move." "Thanks; I don't sleep that well lately."

He frowned, "I will help you sleep from now on. I am at your service, my princess." I chuckled, "thank you, my prince." He smiled at me, and damn, he was so beautiful with his dark brown eyes. I think I was so mesmerized by him that I didn't realize I spoke out loud, "wow, you are beautiful."

He laughed, "Hey, that is my line." I blushed again, "what line?" "You know you said I was beautiful, but I will tell you that you are the most beautiful creature." I smiled at him, "are you flirting with me?" "Why, yes, I am. I like you a lot; I have wanted you since the first time we met two years ago. But you were only 16 then, and I was 20, so it wasn't possible for us to date. Will you go on a date with me?" I sucked in air, "yes, I will. I have liked you too since the first day." "Okay, get ready for breakfast; I will make pancakes. Okay, princess." "Okay, my prince."

After breakfast, we investigated who was after me and who had murdered my brothers. We had a lot of resources because Nick co-owned a security firm, and he was rich. A few hours later, Alex said he would order food. "I think I found something." Both turned to me, "what?" "I have to go to the bank; I remember my brother left some documents in the safe there. And I found a letter in my mailbox from Dec."

I turned my computer to them to see, "hi, Hailey. I know you will reach out to Nick at some point. Please pass on a message to him. Tell him the seagull is compromised, the bird is in danger, and the eagle is moving to destroy the Swallow. Thank you, little sister. I love you, and I miss you. Dec" "Fuck, we need to move. Now," Nick said, and quickly we packed our things. We were driving away when we saw four black SUV-s going to where we came. "That was close. Fuck," Nick said, irritated. Even Alex looked angry, and I had never seen him like that. "Can I ask you, who is the swallow?"

Alex looked at me and then turned to Nick, "we should wait till we have a safe place to go." Nick looked at me briefly; he was behind the wheel, "I will tell you later, princess. We have to find a place to lay low for now." He started to say something else, but his emergency phone ringed. He answered on the third ring, "10-6 busy." "11-55, your followed possible 11-56." "copy will take countermeasures." "10-20 need location?" "Affirmative." "Send it now." Then, "delete this call from the system." "Affirmative. Over." "Over and out."

"Okay, that was interesting. So that number wasn't from the center; someone is helping us." "What did they say?" Alex asked. "We have a tail and the new safe place to go when we lose the tail." "Can we trust them?" I asked. Nick took my hand in his and said softly, "We don't have a lot of choices. If the seagull is compromised, we need allies. We have to be careful." He then kissed my hand and drove to the safe house.

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