Part 12

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Nick POV

I couldn't believe my eyes, my dad was back in the country, and my brother knew. Hailey helped me to stay calm and told me the truth. It hurt a lot. I know he is scum, but he is still our dad. I understand Alex more now. I have to talk to him after I have a shower.

I was walking toward my brother's room when I heard Hailey. "Alex, please, don't go. Not before you talk to Nick." "Are you sure he will talk to me? He won't talk to me; I know him." I walk to the door and look inside. Alex is packing, but he seems devastated. I did that; I hurt my brother. I walked to Hailey and kissed her forehead, "leave us, please. I need to talk to him." "Okay, I love you both. Please fix this," Hailey whispered to me. "I will."

"Alex, why didn't you tell me?" "I wanted to, but dad said not to tell. He told me to stay quiet; otherwise, he would leave and never talk to me again. I miss him; he was a good dad once upon a time. I want to see him before he dies. I want to close that chapter properly." I pull him in a hug, "yeah, I get it. You remember the times he was good. I don't have those memories, but I should be here for you no matter what. I am here for you. I love you, big brother." He hugged me back, "I love you too. I am sorry." "I know. Next time I need you to talk to me." "There won't be next time. I will tell you all you need to know." I smiled at him.

"Let's go back to work. We need a plan." "Okay, I think we should do a bigger plan, have only one fight, and eliminate both targets." "It is a good plan."

We walked to the conference room, where others were discussing something. Hailey was in the middle of that conversation, "fuck you, you imbecile. If you don't shut up, I will make you." I looked at Alex, smirking, "I would like to see that." Then, again, I chuckled, "yeah, it would be awesome."

I walked near them when Hailey hit that guy in his throat fast and effectively. Others laughed, but all I could see was Hailey. She was mad; her eyes burned in a fury. She said menacingly, "If you ever dare to speak about my brothers like that again, I will shut you up permanently. Do you understand?" The guy nodded, and Hailey huffed and turned away from him.

I pulled Hails in my arms, "hon, what happened?" She shook her head. "Hailey, you just threatened someone's life." She still shook her head, so I turned to the others in the room, "What the hell happened?" "He suggested that Dec and his brothers were involved with the eagle. And when they wanted out, that's what got them killed."

Hailey growled, "they were not involved with him. They wanted to take him down after he killed our father. They had help on the inside, and someone sold them out." "And you know this because?" "Because I know them, and they told me some of this in their letter I got today from Henry." "Can you show us that letter?" Alex asked.

"No, there are things not for you to see. But I will tell you this; the eagle isn't the only one after us. We know about the parrot, but there may be someone else." "What?" "Yeah, there was a warning. These pictures will help us; there should be someone in them that we need to find. Oh, and the last thing. We have to make a plan to take out all the threats simultaneously. Otherwise, we are doomed."

I looked at her and then moved to look at the pictures. "You told me that Dec wanted me to check them. Did he say why?" "Yeah, but I am not saying why. You have to check them first." I frowned but continued to watch them. I paused on the last one. There were two other people, I knew them. "Alex, can you come here?" I showed that photo to him, "Is that your boyfriend and your ex?" "Yeah, and that one too. Why are they with the eagle?" "I don't know. Hailey?"

I looked at her; she seemed hesitant but said, "because they have access to Alex." It made sense, "but why would they want me dead? I haven't done anything to them." "Yeah, about that. You are on the way to them getting the money you both share." I was shocked, and so was Alex. "I haven't called them since I left town. They don't know where we are because I left my regular phone at home. So we shouldn't worry about them." Hailey frowned, "were you not listening? They are key players for us. We know their plan, but we could use them at the right time."

I smiled at her, "you are a genius." I was so happy that she chose me to be with her. "Thank you," she said, smiling. Henry coughed, "we should get back to work. We should start to form a plan now. It is only a matter of time when they will know where we are."

"Okay, you are right. Let's begin to share info on what we have learned so far. Henry, will you start?" I asked him.

"Of course. The eagle is the mafia boss John Smith. That is not his birth name; he changed that at the age of eighteen, 40 years ago. The mafia has business in drugs and weapons sales, and they have other things too. He has taken out his competition for years.

Then, two years ago, there was a war among them and a split. Some of the Eagle men got arrested, and some died. So their numbers changed drastically. The FBI has pursued him for over ten years, but nothing. Then five weeks ago, he took out the Forest brothers who were close to bringing him down. They have provided some info they collected. Hailey, will you continue?"

"I will tell you something that can not leave this room. Nick, can you jam the electronic devices?" I frowned but did it anyway, "yes, you can continue." "Okay. When the war started, they came after my dad two years ago because his brother was in the mafia and wanted to leave. My uncle managed to warn him, but he died anyway. Uncle never made out from there.

My brothers then started their quest to bring down the eagle. They made allies and were close. But the eagle found out because there was a mole in their partners. I have found out who he is, and I will bring him down too. I have allies in the mafia, but I can't use them before the right time. A few problems I need to address before I can continue." She stopped talking and looked at all of them one by one. I wanted to know what she was thinking, but I waited.

"First problem is the mole. I found out who we need to neutralize today by luck mostly." She turned to me and asked sweetly, "can I borrow your gun? Please." I handed it to her, to which she kissed me. "Thanks, babe." She turned to the man and walked next to Andy and Drake. "Now, do you have any last words? Traitor." I watched her looking across the table at the guy next to Alex. His name is Liam, and he was in the army with Dec.

"What? I am not a mole," he protested. Hailey smiled, "I thought you would say that because I know you are not the mole." "What? Why did you say I was then?" "I didn't say it was you. I was looking in the mirror behind you because I wanted to see and hear the mole's reaction. I was testing him for the last time, and I am right. He is a mole; he hoped I had the wrong one in mind and was relieved. Right, Drake? You heard him too; breathe more easily."

She pointed the gun at Andy, who had been calm. "I am not the mole. Why would you think I am?" "Oh, Andy. I know you are. You are in that photo," she pointed at one of the pictures. I looked at it but didn't see Andy in it. "Hm, I don't see him." "Do you need glasses?" she asked sarcastically. "Kev, lend him your glasses. He is blind. Give that photo to someone else then, who can see him." I pasted the picture to Alex, who looked at it and then shook his head and pasted it forward.

Finally, when everyone had a look at it and did not find Andy in it, Hailey huffed. "Henry, hold the gun on him, please. I have to show you blind people where that fuck is in that photo." Henry obeyed. Hailey took the picture, walked to me, and took a marker. She drew a circle in there and gave it to me. I watched her going back to Andy and Henry's sides. "Thank you, Henry. Check the photo; I will wait."

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