Part 8

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I watched the car approach the house. I saw one man exiting the car; he came to me. "Hello, I am the Swallow. You were expecting me?" "Yes, I am Elijah Preston. He told me you will be here with two more persons." "Yes, they are waiting for me, okay. I need to be sure it is safe for them. Can I have your phone?" I frowned but handed it over. He checked it and gave it back, "thanks. I will be right back."

I looked at his back as he moved back to the car. He talked to them, and then another man exited the vehicle. They both were now near the same door when he pulled a girl out of the car. I squinted my eyes, the sun was too bright to see, but it looked like Dani. When he tucked her to his side, I asked softly, "Dani?" 

She turned her eyes to me, and I felt relief that she was safe. I asked her where she was. But the Swallow kept interfering, and soon we all were in the living room. I didn't know who they both were. I wanted answers, but I was not getting them. I just handed over a list of what Declan gave me. I didn't like him touching Dani, but I tried to hide it from them. Finally, I saw how she looked at him with absolute admiration and love.

I watched how he crossed off names, then Dani started to cry. I didn't hear what she asked him, but her tears made me anxious. That other man took the pen and the list and then motioned me to leave the room with him. We moved to the kitchen, "who are you?" He handed me the list and said, "I am number two, and my brother in the other room is number one."

I looked at the names "Alex Black and Nick Black." "Yeah, Dec was our friend. But Hailey is more than a friend. To me, she is a sister, but to Nick, she is so much more. I know you like her, but you don't have a chance with her. Since they met, she has loved my brother." I was taken back by his honesty, "okay. I like her, but not in that sense. I am just keeping my promise to Dec."

"You are her bodyguard?" "Yeah, and I already failed." He smiled at me, "not yet. You couldn't have seen what would happen. Nick has taught her well. He started to teach her two years ago. That was necessary for her survival then, and it will be now." I was horrified, "what? What does that mean?" He smiled, "that means this is not our first rodeo. We have done it before. And Nick has been doing this for a living since the age of fifteen. So he has over seven years of practice." I was shocked, "how is that even possible?" "I will not tell you that. I am not in the field; I am more of the business manager type. The other stuff is Nick's expertise."

I was making dinner when Nick and Dani came to the kitchen holding hands. "Dinner is ready in five." Dani smiled, "thanks." I smiled at her, "why did you run?" She looked at Nick, who answered, "because I told her to run." "She called you? Why did you tell her to run?" "Because I hacked your number, and it had calls made to the mafia. I wasn't sure if you were safe for her." My mouth fell open, "what? I am not in the mafia." "Yeah, I know that, know. But I didn't know that then. You know the saying better safe than sorry?" I nodded, and I got it.

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