The addiction that Colson hates

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  • Dedicated to Any MGK girls <3

Colson likes to tell people that his only addiction is being addicted to me. But that's not exactly true. He's obviously been known to smoke weed and such but what you don't know is he's done cocane. Heorine, acid and many other drugs but his drug of choice is heroine. He swore to me he would stop when he found out that I was pregnant and he stop but he also wasnt going out very much and he was mostly home with me. I knew that he wasn't lying when he said he was going to stop, but I also knew tht it would be harder than he thought, I remember laying aside money in the beginning so he could buy weed hoping that it would keep him from wanting anything else. We went through all of his stuff throwing out anything that could be used to do any drug except weed.

But now hes gone out and found some bitch and brought her home im so glad the twins wernt up when that happened though because if they were i know it would have made Colson even worse than what he was. I already felt horrible because i know he was mad at himself and I dont want him to feel like that because he is definantly my best friend and i dont want him to feel like that about himself. I love him so much, I know hes strong but i want to be his rock.

" Baby!" i said calling up the stairs.

" Yeah?" he said

" I had Slim and Dubo take the twins out so we can have a day together and figure out what were gonna do about last night." I replied to him

" Okay." He replied sitting next to me on the couch. He pulled me into a hug and helled me tightly kissing me on the forehead. " I love you"

" I love you too!" i replied" I just want you to know that i will be here with you, Because i love you and i always will."

" I want to be sober for our children, I want to be there when they go to school and i want to actually be there not just to be with them but to have a straight mind not a foggy mind, I want to make sure they know i love them i dont want to look like a user again i dont want there teachers to think im not a fit father." he said on the verge of crying " Help me"

" Of course i will help you. You are my man and i want to stay with you and i want you to be the only man in my life." i said kissing him. He grabbed my face and kissed me pasionantly.

" Baby i love you, you are my one and only.  You will always be my 'wild girl' and beleive me i will completly understand if you cant stay because ita become to much for you to handle, Because you well i mean we already have two kids to take care of and you done need a nother 22 year old kid." he replied

" Oh honey i would never leave you because of that, beleive me i want you help you i want to be there for you, i need you in my life and Morgan and Abel need you in there life." I replied hugging him

We put on a movie and layed down on the couch and ended up falling asleep. 

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