Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 -

Denki is laying in his bed staring up at the ceiling throwing his basketball in the air, catching it gently as the gravity guides the ball back into his hands. He was still angry about the whole situation. But he was no longer angry at Katsuki or Kyoka, he was angry at himself being pathetic. His phone starts to ring as his girlfriend Mikayla was calling him.

"hello" he glumly spoke answering the phone. "I can't talk right a lot of training to do that's why...yeah I'll see you Saturday, okay...okay bye" he hung up the phone taking a deep breath and started throwing the ball back in the air.

Three knocks were heard causing the blonde to roll his eyes. "go away" he mumbled loud enough.

"come on man it's me" Kirishima said through the door. Denki rolled his eyes and opened the large wooden door to see his red headed friend giving him a friendly smile.

They both went to sit on his bed and Kirishima found it so hard not to comment about the stench coming from it as food bowls and plates were lingering around and old clothes scattered across the floor. Denki was usually messy but not this messy and ever since the three of them had that argument neither of them have been the same. "why you hear Kirishima?"

"just wanted to check on my friend. See how he is doing. I'm worried about you...all of you" Kirishima replied which caused Denki to chuckle sarcastically.

"look we all fucked up alright. We all kept things and Bakugo just wanted to spite me" Denki said but Kirishima remained silent.

The blonde looked over to his friend who was slowly shaking his head. "Kaminari, Bakugo wasn't trying to spite you at all. He has had feelings for Jiro since the end of year 2. But he never did anything because he knew how much you two loved each other. He tried so hard not to betray you and whatever happened between him and Jiro...yeah it was bad but it was because they had feelings to release like you and betrayed Jiro by cheating also but the difference is man, Jiro told you straight away"

"yeah I get that! People don't understand that I get that!"

"look, I'm not trying to argue with you. I'm just trying to let you know Bakugo wasn't being spiteful and everything he did with Jiro was real feelings" Kirishima added. Denki sighed and nodded along.

"I guess so"

"you know, ever since before the whole drama campsite thing happened, Katsuki did his best to keep his feelings under control because he didn't want to hurt his best friend. You need to understand he suffered his feelings for you and he just got mad because the girl he loves is being lied to he was just being protective"

"yeah I guess your right" Denki said. "do you think he'll talk to me, so we could clear air" he asked his best friend but Kirishima just shrugged his shoulders.

"I dunno man, he's so down right now. I've never seen him like this know he just isn't Bakugo" Kirishima sounded sad when he said that which made Denki feel really bad. But he still wanted to go and talk to him.


Kyoka is laying in he bed depressed with covers cradling her entire small body whilst soft sobs escape her eyes. Her face was turned to the wall as she stared at the meatloaf album 'coming back to me now' and bursts into tears burying her face into the covers.

"Jiro, it's me" Momo sung as she walked through her best friends dorm door. Kyoka makes no movement pretending to be asleep so she doesn't have to look at her best friend but Momo knew she was trying to avoid society. The black haired friend looks at the bedside table as a pot of ben and jerry's was melting and dripping off the side of the bedside table. Momo picks up the soggy pot in disgust and throws it away in the bin. "you know what you need, a nice hot cup of tea" Momo said emptying the bin heading out the room.

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