Chapter 6 -

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Chapter 6 –

Today was the day of Melody's wedding. Katsuki was extremely hungover from the beers he drunk. He wrapped his bow tie sluggishly around his neck dreading the fact of wearing a tux. Kirishima put on his formal wear and headed out to meet Mina so they could find a seat as the wedding was starting in an hour. Katsuki sighed and decided to have his tie undone hoping his mother or father would fix it since he doesn't even put his school one on let alone a bow tie he will only wear once. He hated white so much. deep down he felt like his cousin did this just to annoy him so he wouldn't wear black or red.

The ash-blonde headed to the lounge where all the family members were greeting and talking to each other. Sooner or later friends of the bride came in and friends of the groom came in but all Katsuki could see was Kyoka with her hair curled into tight ringlets, she wore a white dress that flowed just past her knees. Her makeup wasn't too much which made her look natural. He fell in love with her even more. Mitsuki went to walk up to her son until she saw the way he looked at Kyoka from standing on the stairs. She let out a smile walking back to her husband so she could let Katsuki get himself together.

He walked down the stairs gulping his saliva, walking closer towards Kyoka. The moment she knew he was near, she gave him a toothy smile; looking more angelic. "you look handsome" she said until she saw his tie hanging from each end of his shoulders. "need help with your tie?" she asked.

He couldn't get the words out but he nodded in response. She got herself up from the chair she was sitting on and started to curl up the tie to how it is supposed to look. His heart raced fast feeling her presence so close to him. He gulps again as he looked down at her hands intertwining with the fabric to tighten around the collar of his shirt. "you know, one day you will have to learn how to do up your ties" She joked whilst Katsuki chuckled at her comment. The two were oblivious to the familiar eyes of two friends and parents staring at them. Kyoka glanced up for a few seconds to see his deep crimson eyes which gave her shivers but shook it off knowing she would never hurt Denki that way. "there you go" she quietly spoke as her mouth and throat felt dry.

Mitsuki looked at her husband and he nodded along knowing that she saw the same thing. They saw their son in love for the first time. They knew he would never admit it to them but they knew.

Everyone headed to the service and sat down at their seats. Katsuki sat between his mother and Kyoka. Mitsuki could tell he was shaking, why she didn't know. Maybe he was getting anxious about his feelings, maybe he was just having a rough day because he hates weddings, she didn't know but all she could do was be a mother and hold her son's hand which calmed his nerves. It was really because he sat next to the love of his life and being at a wedding was filling his head with so much romantic crap.

The music started the moment the bridesmaids finished walking down the aisle. Everyone stood up for Melody to be watched walking down the aisle. The angry blonde stood up to see his cousin walk down until his mind decided to twist the ceremony. Instead of Bryce, it was him standing at that alter and instead of his Melody, it was Kyoka walking down the aisle smiling at him, crying soft tears as he lets out all his emotions in front of people she knew for the first time because no matter what she wore, she was beautiful.

She walked up the aisle, said their vows and they both kissed which would be magic, fireworks would spark, people would whistle and clap for their romance to go forward another chapter.

"Katsuki!" the angry blonde jumped at the sound of his father's voice not knowing that the service was over. It had been a while since Katsuki had blanked out like that before. The last time it happened was his grandfather's funeral. "son are you okay?" Masaru asked sitting beside his son who just looked around confused as to how empty the service area of the cabin was.

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