Chapter 24: Fine Line

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The three of us sat in awkward silence, staring at the ground after the girls left. I couldn't believe Remus had done something with Regulus. I mean, it's not like Reg and I were totally exclusive but I like to think that he only did that kind of stuff with me. Gay stuff. I knew he'd been with other girls, but that was kinda different.

Peter was the first to break the eerie quiet that had settled over us, "Uh, I feel like maybe we should try to be a little more understanding with Remus. He really was trying to help you Sirius, and I'm not a hundred percent sure that he actually did cheat on Lily."

"I mean he ran out of here like a little bitch, so he's looking pretty guilty right now," Sirius replied.

Peter shook his head, "Yeah, but you were kinda harsh to him. He barely was able to defend himself."

"Please Peter, you don't have to keep defending that loser. He doesn't belong at Hogwarts anyway."

Peter stood up, his concerned expression quickly replaced with a mask of fury,"Whatever Sirius I gotta go, wouldn't want my scholarship to offend you."

"Shit. No, Peter. C'mon I didn't mean it like that. You know what I meant."

Peter just gathered his things off my bed and stuffed them into his backpack. Sirius stood up and grabbed Peter's arm. "Pete, wait. I'm really sorry. Please don't go."

Pete just brushed Sirius' hand off his arm with a brief "I have to go," before zipping up his backpack.

I couldn't take this fighting anymore. "What the fuck guys, can we not fight. It's senior year for fucks sake. We've been best friends since eighth grade. We're the motherfucking Marauders! We have to get this shit sorted out because I don't want to lose you guys."

Sirius sighed dramatically, "I know James, I don't want to fight."

Peter slung his backpack onto his back. "I don't want to fight either, but I really do have to go."

"Okay, bye Wormtail," I said. Peter looked over his shoulder with a small smile at the sound of his nickname, then disappeared out into the hall.

I flopped back onto Sirius' bed with a groan. "Since when did our friend group have so much drama?"

Sirius took a seat on the edge of my bed, "I'm telling you, all this shit started after Remus weaseled his way into the group."

"Ugh, I'm so done talking about Remus, I just wanna forget this day even happened."

Sirius turned over on his stomach, shoved his face into one of my pillows, and screamed. My phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out to check the message. It was Regulus.

Mikey Phelps: pool?

A light blush creeped onto my cheeks, as I smiled down at my phone. Reg always had a way of making me feel better.

"Damn Prongs! Who's got you blushing like that?" Sirius called from the other bed.

Shit. CODE RED. CODE RED. "Pssh, no one." Wow, very cool James. You really pulled that one off.

Sirius suddenly sprang up, making his way towards me. "C'mon Prongs. Don't be shy, I'm sure she's a stunner."

"No, really it's no one Sirius," I said, inching my way to the foot of the bed so I could make a quick getaway.

Sirius made a grab for my phone, but I jerked away. I pulled on my running shoes before backing toward the door. "I think I'm going to go work out."

"Yeah, I'm sure you are," Sirius smirked, stalking closer to me.

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