Chapter 20: Rises the Moon

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Senior Year: November, 2 Days Before Thanksgiving Break


The empty bottle of blue raspberry vodka lay between us. We never made it back to the party. The pavement was cold and hard underneath my back. The snow had gone away a while ago, taking most of the clouds with it. A light, white layer of snow covered the parking lot. I should've been cold, but the alcohol kept me warm. Tomorrow I would probably have a cold.

Remus rolled onto his side to face me, "Ugh, sucks that we can't see the moon."

He was right, from our spot on the ground we had an amazing view of the stars, however the tall trees of the Forbidden Forest blocked out the moon.

I let out a deep breath before turning over to face him. "Well Moons, I cooooould show you my special spot that's guaranteed to have a great view of the moon."

Remus shot up to a sitting position, grabbing my hands and pulling me up too. "Let's go."

I tried not to think about how warm my hands felt in his. "I don't know..." I faked a yawn, "I'm pretty tired.

"No you're not. Take me now!"

I pulled my hands out of his and stood up, "Beg."


"You heard me moon boy, beg."

"Sirius, I'm not doing that. I. Don't. Beg."

"Then I guess you're not seeing the moon from my secret spot either," I shrugged, beginning to walk away.


I turned around and Remus was on his knees. God, I guess he was really drunk.

"Please, oh wondrous, amazing Sirius Black, please will you take me to your special moon place."

I walked toward Remus, extending my hand to him, "Get off the ground, this is too gay for even me to handle."

"So are we going to your special spot?" Remus asked, taking my hand and using it to help himself stand up.

"Yes Mr. Greyback, we are going to the spot. You'll see your moon." I rolled my eyes while we started our way towards the forest that surrounded the east part of school. It got the name 'Forbidden Forest', when a couple years ago a group of kids tried acid for the first time in the forest, and claimed they saw mythical creatures that tried to eat them. Since then the school has banned kids from entering the forest. Pretty suspicious.

"We're about to enter the spoooky Forbidden Forest so if you need a hand to hold, my hands are open," I expected a sarcastic comment, or at least a laugh from Remus but nothing. I turned to look at Remus, and all of the spry and animated energy I only saw just moments ago was gone. He looked sick. "Woahh, are you gonna puke?

"I hate, HATE, that last name! It's not mine, it fucking Fenrir's! I fucking hate him AND the name," Remus explaoded with rage. Hands vividly in motion, I guess holding hands was not going to happen.

"Who's Fenrir?" I asked, confused. For the three months Remus has been here, he's never brought up anything about his personal life or really anything.

"My dad." Remus slurred. " Well I guess he hasn't been my dad since I was seven, but he's the one who gave me the last name."

"Since you were seven?" I mumbled trying to take in all the information, but my drunk brain couldn't comprehend what Remus was saying. "I'm still confused."

Remus started to rub his eyes harshly and looked somehow more confused than I was. "You don't have to explain," I started but was cut off.

" Fenrir, my dad. " Remus spoke using air quotes when saying 'dad'. "went to jail and since then I have been bouncing between families in foster care. And even though I haven't seen him since I was like SEVEN, I still live with the reminder of him with this dumbass last name and these dumbass scars."

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