Chapter 21: Ever Since New York

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Senior Year: November, Day Before Thanksgiving Break


A door closing, woke me up. I sat up in what I realized thankfully was my own bed. I rubbed my temples trying to remember last night or I guess if we want to be literal, very early this morning. My head throbbed, and the morning light streaming in through the curtains made it difficult to contraste. This was the worst hangover I have ever gotten. Eventually the party came back to me in brief flashes. The sweaty 'dance floor', the many different choices of drinks, and the epic loss of the ping pong championship (That would explain the black out). I glanced over to Sirius' bed, suddenly remembering he never came back to the party.

Sirius was a lump under a mountain of blankets. One of his arms jutted out from the pile, and his black hair rested on the pillow. Vaguely I remembered coming home last night. Sirius was slumped on his bed in a similar fashion to now, but Remus was also here. He was sleeping on the area rug Sirius had bought recently. My eyes traveled down to the floor. A pillow and blanket sat atop the rug, but no Remus.

Maybe it was my hangover, but guilt bubbled in my stomach of the remembrance of the stupid arguement Remus and I got into. Fuck. I should apologize, but I don't even know what I would say. 'Hey Remus! Remember that argument we got into yesterday, and I lowkey slut shamed you. Yeah sorry, lol. I'm just kind of jealous because I love Lily. Haha sorry!'

Bile rose in my throat and I bolted for the bathroom. My throat burned and my eyes watered from disgust. I love Lily Evans. I just confessed that I loved Lily Evans. Remus' girlfriend. The girl who hates my guts. Maybe apologizing to Remus is a good idea, I'm a god awful friend.

I stood up from where I was sitting in front of the toilet and leaned heavily against the sink. My head was protesting every movement. I turned the faucet on and cupped my hands, so they could be filled with water. For being sink water, it didn't taste bad, and it helped ease the burn in my throat. I then swallowed an Advil and slowly made my way to find Remus.

I had walked into the hallway, and the door of our dorm had already shut before I remembered that I had left literally everything inside. I was phoneless and keyless, and looking down at my appearance, I was also shoeless. (I was also in last night's outfit but it could be something worse, so I was grateful). . I probably should have thought this through a little bit, but it was too late. I could not turn back now, so I continued down towards Remus' room.

I took a deep breath , and knocked. I didn't think he was there, and I was about to walk to Lily's room to see if he went there, when the door opened.

"Oh, James. I was about to check if you were awake." Remus stood in the doorway looking a lot less hungover than me. "I need to tell you something."

"I'm sorry." I blurted out. I didn't know what he wanted to tell me but I had to come clean. I didn't want to risk throwing up again.

"For what?" Remus asked.

"For being an asshole and slut shaming you and taking a sock from each pair you have. I don't know why I'm acting like this but I'm-"

"James," Remus laughed. Why the hell was he laughing? "What about we have this conversation in my room?" I realized I was still in the hallway, and I had caught some people's attention.

I did a sheepish smile, "Yeah, let's continue this in your room." Remus stepped aside, and let me walk through. Peter wasn't there and the lack of things on Remus' side, made the room feel bare. Empty.

"James, it's fine." Remus closed the door, and made his way to his bed. He leaned against it and rubbed the heel of his hands into his eyes. Maybe he was hungover but he was Remus. Secretive and hidden but in a cool, hot way. " Although I would like my socks back," he chuckled. "Jesus, remind me not to start shit with you."

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