Chapter 11 : Mr.Brightside

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Senior Year: Homecoming


It started out with a kiss; how did it end up like this?

It was only a kiss; it was only a kiss

The song blared through my phone's speaker, while I sat on my desk chair applying eyeshadow to my eyelids, and Dorcas was tackling my hair with a comb in one hand and curling iron in the other. Marlene and Mary were sitting on Dorcas' bed scrolling through instagram for inspiration of what makeup they should wear tonight.

"Do you think Chad will ask me to dance with him at some point tonight?" Mary asked, looking up from her phone.

"Fuck Chad! You can do so much better than him," Dorcas groaned. Mary was always on and off with Chad. One second she was all puppy eyes with him, then next she is ranting about how Chad can jump off a cliff.

"Well maybe I do wanna fuck him," Mary responded.

Dorcas just rolled her eyes, too tired to fight back. She unrolled my hair from the curling iron, and let the curl fall before running her fingers through it to make it look more natural. She then rolled up the last piece of uncurled hair up before she asked, "Did you tell Remus what color your dress was?"

"Yes, but he claimed he didn't have a green tie. I ended up buying him one." I answered back leaving the whole part of him being upset out. Remus always got distressed when I bought him stuff, even little things. I once bought him a book after we had both talked about it for a whole class period. He had stated that he had lost his copy when his family moved back to the Hamptons, so I ordered a new one for him, but when I gave it to him a week later he refused to keep it. He only ended up with it after I told him I couldn't return it. I never understood why he acted like that, but from then on I never bought him stuff until the green tie. I just wanted us to look good together.

"Aw, well at least you two will be cute for pictures tonight" Dorcas replied. She looked over her shoulder and looked at the digital clock that was sitting on her nightstand. "We have an hour until we have to meet the boys in the courtyard"

"Well hurry up with Lily's hair so you can do mine then!" Mary yelped.

Dorcas threw the comb she was holding in her one hand at Mary, and Mary ducked in time, missing what could have been a comb to the dome. "I'm going to get to you, Mary! You need to learn some patience, we have plenty of time!"

And plenty of time we did have. Both Mary and I's hair looked stunning due to Dorcas' uncanny ability. We were all dressed, and we started our way to the courtyard to meet the boys.

"Well hello ladies!" Sirius said with a stupid smirk as soon as we were outside. The boys were sitting on the bench near the gigantic willow tree. James, who looked unsurprisingly handsome in his dark blue suit, was too focused on his phone, clearly texting some girl or maybe some soccer teammate, to even acknowledge us. If soccer took form as a human girl, James would be in her pants by breakfast. Typical asshole.

"Hello, Black" only Mary greeted.

"Ready to take some pictures?" James asked, finally looking up from his phone. Straight to the point, probably somewhere "better" to be.

"Can we wait a minute," I said, taking a glance at my phone. Still nothing from Remus. I had texted him once, before Dorcas started curling my hair, another time while I was finishing getting ready, and many times while we were walking down to the courtyard. Each text reminding him where and what time we were meeting, but I had heard nothing from him since yesterday. I shot him another text, and looked up at James who was staring at me.

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