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MY HANDS ARE shaking as I answered the call on my phone. The call is from those who abducted my family.

"H-hello?" Even my voice is trembling fuck.

[I can saw you from the CCTV,] the voice was from a man. [Didn't you bring Bonten with you? That's my condition,]

"They will.. I'm not sure but they will come after me, I'm here to see my family, I need to make sure they are still alive," I said.

[I have no intention of having you as hostage but you're the one who come for me, it will be a waste to let you go like this, right?] He chuckled. [Get her,]

A group of guys approached and tie me. I did not fought back, even though I have grenades and guns with me I can't fight, they are too strong for me and that sucks.

"What's your name?" The man I was talking with the phone earlier asked. He looks like a real life mafia, he looks like a cockroach, no offense.

"Where's my family?" I asked.

"Oh.. I think I know why Mikey liked you," he smirked. "Like what I said earlier, I have no intention of bringing you here as an hostage, I'll be lying if I told you that I'm not scared of this being a trap,"

"No worries, Manjiro and I had a little fight," I said.

"Hmm.. I want to apologize for using your family as hostages, Mikey won't give me any attention by killing his men except his executives, so I thought that I will finally get his attention by breaking his golden rule," he said.

"What golden rule?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Never to hurt you," he answered. "He had spread those words by a month now, same time when I decided to get his attention, but it was never enough, so I decided to have your family as hostages,"

"Sorry for asking this but why do you keep going on and on with some bullshits I over and over again?" I whispered, I'm sure that it's not enough for him to hear. I can't just say anything because they have my family. Oh right.. "Where are they?"

"I told you earlier right? They are safe, you don't need to—"

"Let me see them, I can't trust your empty words," I said.

"Okay, your wish is my command," he smiled insanely before gesturing his men. My mouth opened as I gasped when I saw my brother, covered with blood while my mother is harshly being dragged, like she's not sick.

"Be careful with my mother!" I cried. Fuck, they.. both look lifeless. "What did you you?! I thought they are safe?"

"They are safe but I did not said that they are not wounded," he doesn't make sense!

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