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"CAN MR. SANO go out?" I asked the director.

"For what reason?" He removed his eye glasses and looked at me.

"Just so.. and why are you asking? Some patients don't need permission to go out," I said. "Is there a reason why Mr. Sano is not allowed to go out?"

"Yes there is a reason, it's inside his," he pointed his head. "He has a lot of loose screws, Y/N, and that's why he's here, to get fixed,"

"But still, going out can help him," I said. "As his doctor, I must know informations about him, right? In that way, I will be able to understand and help him more,"

"As the director of this hospital, I want you to listen to me, Mr. Sano is different from the patient you have handled. A special and rare case," he said. "End of discussion."

"Fine," I rolled my eyes. "Last question,"


"Is he a sociopath? Or a psychopath? I see no reason for you to do this to him,"

"I won't accept a socio or psycho, Y/N," he answered. I just nod before leaving. I guess I don't really have a choice.


"Oh fuck!" I held my chest when Naoto's face greeted me the moment I went out of the director's office. "What the fucking hell?"

"Coffee?" He offered.

"Thanks, but no. State the reason why you're here," I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I'm here to make an offer," he said, being straightforward.


"Mr. Sano, we need to put him in jail,"

"No," I shook my head. I will never betray Manjiro. He saved my life, turning Naoto's offer down is not enough to thank him.

"Y/N, you don't understand how dangerous he is—"

"For you, Naoto. But he's not a danger for me, he saved me," I defended him.

"I know you're mad at my father because he used your Dad to his own good, but-—"

"My father was too kind, and that's his foolish mistake," I said. "He let himself get used and killed for someone else's sake, and I won't be like him, Naoto." I get the coffee from his hand. "Thanks for this," I was about to leave him but I remembered something. "Me and your sister are friends, let's leave it that way by not repeating the history and our fathers' mistakes,"

I get straight back to Mr. Sano's room after that. I sighed. Maybe I was too harsh? But what can I do? I don't want to end up like my father for their sake, besides, he saved me.

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