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"WHERE HAVE you been?" My brother asked when I went downstairs to have my breakfast.

"Vacation?" My answer was a question. "I spent my day off in a nice place, no need to worry about me,"

"I'm not worried," he denied.

"I know you are," I rolled my eyes. "How's mother? Is she doing well?"

"Yeah, thankfully," he answered. "I'm going out,"

"Okay, I will look after mother," I said.

"You're not going to work?" He asked. I nod. "Why? Is there something wrong?"

"Aww. Are you concerned? My brother's so sweet!" I pat his head.

"Ugh! Stop it, gross," I laughed before preparing. He watch me eat my breakfast so I gave him curious look. "What?"

"Nothing. I'm just wondering why you're not going to work, you always go to work, this is my first time seeing you go AWOL,"

"You can't really call this AWOL, but you can say that," I shrugged my shoulders.  "You're going to see your girlfriend?" I teased, later laugh when I saw him blushing. "Damn, my little brother's in love! What's her name?"

"I'll tell you by the time we're official," he said. "Gotta go. Take care,"

"You too,"

I sighed when he left. I texted the director that I will absent for today, saying that I'm sick as an excuse. He approved my leave but he said that I should be back as soon as possible. That made me feel more tired.

I look at my sleeping mother, she's bedridden since my father died, now she's just waiting for the grim reaper to pick her up. I feel so bad but what can I do? I sighed again, there are a lot of things bothering me, Mr. Sano is the worst. I was dating—if that's what you can call what we're doing—a criminal. Damn, I got lucky because he let me leave and live without harming my family but what if he.. fuck, I'm overthinking, again.

I stand up and look for food to eat at the fridge. Thinking and the stress is making me hungry. But maybe I have run out of luck today. There's no food in our fridge.

"Mom, I'm going out to buy some foods, wait me here, 'kay?" I kissed her forehead before leaving, cursing my brother for eating everything on the fridge without buying stocks!

"Welcome," the staff of the grocery store greeted while I reply with a little smile and nod.

I get a basket and started getting the things I want. Especially eggs and easy to cook foods. I sometimes pity myself, I can't even cook tasteful foods for my brother and mother. Damn, I hate my life. I sighed.


I looked at the person in front of me when we hold the same item at once.

"You can have it," he gave it to me.

"No, you can, I don't love eating that, my brother does," I smiled. Not gonna lie, he's handsome, plus he's tall.

"My name is Rindou by the way, Rindou Haitani," he introduced himself.

"Oh, I'm Y/N, nice to meet you," I replied. "I'll get going, I still need to.." there's no point of keeping this conversation long. He immediately understand and smiled at me.

After that, I came back home. Only to find out that my mother is missing. I immediately run outside and call for a cab but fuck. I also tried calling my brother but he's out of reach. What the hell.

"Need a ride?" A car stopped in front of me.

"Rindou?" My eyes widened.

"Just to clarify things, I'm not a creep, I happened to live in the same neighborhood—"

"I need a ride, not an explanation," I cut him off before sitting at the shotgun seat. "Police station please, drive as fast as you can,"

On the ride, I contacted Hinata, thank God she pick it up at the third ring.

[Are you feeling well, I heard—]

"My mother is missing, I can't contact my brother, I think they are missing," I said. "Is Naoto at the station? Where is he?"

[Hell. I'm going at the station, he's there, see you,] she hangs up.

"We're here, you owe me one—"

"Thank you is enough for now," I said before rushing to the station. "Naoto!"

"Y/N did you change your mind—"

"My mother is missing, I think my brother is too, help me," I said, panting.

"How long has it been?" He seriously asked.

"I think 30 minutes," I answered.

"We can't call it missing since 24 hours—"

"What the fuck Naoto?! My mother is bedridden! She—"

"You are filling for the wrong report, she's not missing, your mother is abducted," he rolled his eyes. "I'm not sure with your brother's condition yet, but I will do my best to find your mother,"

"You better do, in exchange, I will help you to put Manjiro in jail,"

I'm sorry, Mikey.



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