How Pipes met Shel

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*Sheiper fluff! :D


"Great, a new school day." I mutter to myself as I walk through the hallway. I heard that one of the students here died last week. Oh, I guess I should introduce myself, I'm Shelby Miller, daughter of Hecate (goddess of witchcraft) and Tala Miller. My mortal mother is a member of the Cherokee nation in Oklahoma. I grew up here in Tahlequah where I was taught the history of my mother's tribe. I walk into the cafeteria after classes. I see that there weren't any seats left except for at a table with a single girl. The girl was pretty, she had short choppy chocolate coloured hair. She had the same skintone as I did, a medium tone, like toasted brown bread. And her eyes, oh my gods, they were literally mesmerizing! Shifting from blue to green, to green from brown, shifting hues. "Um, excuse me, may I sit here?" "Oh, sure." "Crazy last few weeks, am I right?" "...yeah, crazy." She says melancholic. "Oh, sorry... wanna talk about it?" She shuffles. "You're not mortal, either are you?" "What's it to you? I'm not really in the mood for another monster attack right now." Stupid, stupid! Why would you ask a girl that? Of course she'd suspect you as being a monster, you should know this! You can weave The Mist, Shel! "Sorry! I'm not a monster. I'm a demigod, well, At least, that's what my momma tells me, never met my godly parent. I'm Shelby Miller, I'm a daughter of Hecate." "Piper... Piper McLean. Daughter of Aphrodite." "Aha! I knew you had some sort of appearance magic! I've been taking notes! Ever since all of that war stuff going on, I haven't been at camp in forever! I've been staying here in Tahlequah. It's so lonely here, people always think I'm weird, but I think I pull off the grunge look, right? Anyway, yeah I've been waiting to meet someone with appearance magic as well!" "Oh, wow... those are your notes? Also, She used to be mine? Great taste, nice to meet another musical geek. These notes are so well written, are you sure you're not a daughter of Athena? Also I think you rock that nose stud." Was it hot in here or was it just me? "Oh my gods! You like musicals, too? And thanks, I'm not, my mom dabbles in Wicca and knows basic healing potions. She was a healer for her tribe, but she left for her passion of Wicca. She has a magic shop now. Anyway, I only can write so well because of magic, without it I'd probably be stuck in 11th grade." "Oh, I guess I'm homesick, on top of the fact that my ex-boyfriend died last week before we could reconcile... and then there's that I haven't seen my friends in forever... it's difficult but I guess I'm finding myself. See, I was in the 'Big Prophecy of The 7', so I've been through a lot lately." "Oh, dam, that sucks, I know how ya feel, my ex-girlfriend died of cancer last year, it sucked, to be honest, but I don't think it would've worked out anyways, she is-was mortal. She wasn't clear sighted, nor did she ever like magic. I guess I hoped that it would've worked out." "Well, I think you're pretty interesting, I wouldn't mind being friends, it'd make this place much more bearable." "Awe, I think you're pretty chill too, and yeah, having a friend would make the rest of senior year much more bearable.

- A few months later -

As we were walking to the bus stop to her house, Pipes and I were laughing and then, before I knew it her lips were on mine. She pulled away and looked terrified. "I'm so sorry, you don't like me the same way, I just tho-" I reconnected our lips. "Shut up, I liked you the second I saw your face." "Okay, so I guess it won't be much of a study break, I don't think I'll be able to concentrate with you across from me." "That makes two of us." I entwine our fingers and kiss her hand. "Lady Piper, would you do me the favor of being the girl I love?" "You watch too many romance movies." "Is that a no?" "No, I just wanted to point out that you're cheesy." "Love makes you do crazy things, McLean." "I guess it does, Miller."

When we got to her house we were having a great time and in the evening, we climbed up to roof where we giggled and I leaned in for a kiss, when a flash of light interrupted us. We turned around as the scrawny boy's figure shifted into that of an adult. "Wow, Apollo. Timing." "Er, sorry I-" The dude said. "Who's this?" I looked him up and down. "Your dad has a boyfriend?" He suppressed a yelp as Pipes gave him a look. "Old family friend." She smiled but her eyes were daggers at the guy. "Sorry, Shel. Would you excuse me a sec?" "Uh. Sure." Pipes got up and grabbed his arm and dragged him across to the other side of the roof. "Hey. What's up?" "I just wanted to check in, make sure you're doing okay, seems you are?" I smile as I overhear their conversation. "Well, early days." "You're in process," He said. "Exactly," "I'm happy for you." I believed him. "Your dad?" "Yeah, I mean...from Hollywood to Tahlequah is a big change. But he seems like he's found some peace. We'll see. I heard you got back on Olympus. Congratulations." It hit me that he was the god-former-god-turned-god she had explained to me about. He told her of what happened in the Manhattan. He told her of her ex's funeral. She hugged her arms. "That's good, I'm glad Camp Jupiter did right by him. I'm glad you did right by him." "I don't know about that," He said. She laid her hand on his arm. "You haven't forgotten, I can tell." He paused. "No, I won't forget. The memory is part of me now." She smiled. "Well, then, good. Now, if you'll excuse me..." "What?" She pointed in my direction. "Oh, of course. Take care of yourself, Piper McLean." "You too, Apollo. And next time, give me a heads-up before popping in?" He muttered something apologetic, but Piper had already walked towards me. And that was the best evening of my life.

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