Mom meets boyfriend

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*A/N: Solangelo fluff :D


    "What if she doesn't like me?" Nico asked me. "Are you kiddin' me? You're the cutest guy I've ever met! My mom will love you!" I ruffle his dark curls. "I've a hard time believing that, you dork." He punches me playfully in my arm. I giggle like a dork. "Your dork." "My dork." He squeezes my hand affectionately. I squeeze back lovingly. "And, we're here!" Nico's eyes scan the cottage. "This house is lovely, no wonder you grew up here." His voice was awe struck. "With this talk, my mom could never dislike you." I knock on the door. I smooth out my clothes as the door opens. "Will! You've gotten so big! Oh my goodness! You must be his boyfriend! Come in, come in!" Nico looked shocked, then smiled. I grab his hand and he smiled at me. As we made our way through the entryway, Nico smiled at the baby photos. "You were so cute. What happened?" He said with a smirk. I gasp in mock offense. "How could you?" He laughs and I can't help but laugh with him. "What would you two like for supper? Oh! I should clean the kitchen! Why don't you two head upstairs to Will's room? I'll call you guys down once I'm finished. Ta ta!" I drag Nico up the stairs into my childhood room, the door has a sign with my name on it. I open the door to the familiar pale yellow walls, the white fluffy carpet, the Star Wars posters, my d&d dice sets, pokemon cards, comic bookshelves, my king sized bed with light blue sheets. "Wow, d&d dice? I've always wanted to play d&d." I smiled, yes I am the biggest nerd ever and I'm dating the next biggest nerd in the world, I'm the extroverted nerd and my boyfriend is the introverted nerd. "You're adorable." Nico flusters. "Will, you're the worst." He hides his face in my chest. I close the door behind us and I bring him to my bed. We cuddle and I sing 'In Case You Don't Live Forever' by Ben Platt in his ear. He murmured sweet nothings and kissed me as I sang.

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