𝟖| 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫

Start from the beginning

Both heroes land with a thud in Peter's room as they take of their masks, sharing a glance just as the familiar voice of Peter's aunt May fills their ears, causing their eyes to widen in realization as they remembered they were having a thanksgiving dinner with Peter's aunt, Harry, MJ and the Osborn siblings father. Sharing a frantic look, they were quick to jump up and stick to the ceiling silently just in time to see May, Harry and Norman step into Peter's bedroom.

Norman stepped further into the room, commenting about how Peter's room looked quite messy while May and Harry walked back down the stairs. As that was happening, Peter and Y/n's eyes widen when they saw the bit of blood from the cuts the small blade machines Green Goblin had beginning to drip down.

Just as Norman goes to walk out of the room, he stops when small drops of their blood falls onto the floor, almost as if he heard it. Turning around, he glances around before looking down, catching sight of the blood. Knowing it could only come upwards, the man looks up, only to see no one there.

Squinting his eyes at the opened balcony doors, Norman ventures outside and glances around in hopes of seeing what he thought it could possibly be, but there was no one in his sight. Meanwhile, just below the balcony and out of his sight, Peter and Y/n were sticking to the wall as they waited for him to leave.

When he did, they were able to get themselves out of their suits by sneaking back in through the window before climbing back out, Peter making sure he had the cranberries May reminded him before they were walking through the building and up to their apartment. Peter opens up the door, walking in and holding it for Y/n as they greeted everyone, acting as if earlier didn't happen.

"Sorry we're late, it's a jungle out there. I had to beat an old lady with a stick to get these cranberries." Peter jokes, hugging his aunt. "I ran into Y/n on the way back home."

May chuckles, taking the cranberries. "Thank you. Now then, everybody sit down and we can say grace."

Doing as she asked, they all take their seats, Peter shaking Norman's hand before the man was giving his daughter a small hug before sitting down. Y/n placed herself beside MJ upon seeing a free seat next to her and right across from Peter.

May walks over and places the turkey in front of Norman just as he goes to reach for some food, only to get his hand slapped by May as she asked him to do the honors. After licking the food off his fingers, Norman gives her a small smirk as he rubs the blades of two knives together, silently telling her he would do just that.

"Why, Peter, you're bleeding." May suddenly points out, making Norman stop.

MJ furrows her brows. "Wait, Y/n. You are, too."

Everyone glances between the two as they all take notice of small stains on the same spot they had been cut from by the Green Goblin. May gives a concerned look to Y/n as she walks to her nephew, unbuttoning the wrist of his shirt, revealing the cut.

Harry stands up a bit, looking at the cut that looked quite a bit deep like Peter's on his sister's arm, MJ rolling up her sleeve a bit as they were both concerned for her. Meanwhile, Norman was glancing between both young adults, gaze lingering on his daughter's cut a bit.

"I stepped off a curb and got clipped by one of those bike messengers." Peter lies, sharing a glance with Y/n.

"What happened to you, Y/n/n?" Harry asks, concern laced in his voice.

"Oh, I was taking a walk in the park and I cut myself off a branch of a tree when I was walking by it." Y/n tells them, lying as she tried not to grimace at how bad the lie was.

"I'll get the first-aid kit. Then we'll say grace." May reassures, walking to get the first-aid kit. "This is the boys and Y/n's first thanksgiving in this apartment, and we are gonna do things properly."

"How did you two say those happened?" Norman questions in a slow tone.

"Bike messenger. Knocked me down." Peter reminds.

"From a branch on a tree when I was walking by it." Y/n adds, looking at her father with confused eyes.

Norman places the knives down, standing up. "If you'll excuse me, I've got to be going."

"Why?" Harry asks.

"Something has come to my attention." Norman replies.

"Are you alright?" Harry continues, standing up as well.

"I'm fine, just fine." Norman assures, turning to May. "Thank you, Mrs. Parker. Everyone. Enjoy the fruitcake."

As he walked out the door, Harry was quick to follow his father, leaving a small crack in the door as he ran to catch up with him while Peter, Y/n and MJ all shared a glance, slightly confused as to why he needed to leave all of a sudden.

Just then, MJ frowns deeply as they heard in on the father and son's conversation, Harry claiming that the redhead was important to him, but Norman denied it, stating that 'they're all beautiful, until they're snarling after your trust fund like a pack of ravening wolves' as he quoted. Eventually, the sound of the elevator closing was heard, followed by Harry walking back in with a frown as Peter and Y/n shared an awkward glance.

"Thanks for sticking up for me, Harry." MJ speaks up, tossing her napkin on the table and grabbing her jacket.

"You heard?" Harry questions.

"Everyone heard that creep." MJ states.

"That creep is mine and Y/n's father. If I'm lucky, I'll become half of what he is. So just keep your mouth shut about stuff you don't understand!" Harry exclaims, defending his and Y/n's father.

"Harry Osborn!" May scolds.

Claiming she was sorry and bidding a small goodbye, MJ was opening up the door and leaving the apartment, leaving the two males and two females inside in an awkward silence as they all didn't know what to say. However, May opened up the first-aid kit, determined to tend to Peter and Y/n's cuts.

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