Train Station-Chapter 1

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The sun slowly  set on thehorizon of a quiet British town, the sky the color of honey, peaches, and red apples. In this small British town resides an even smaller train station of white concrete and light grey metals. And getting on a train in this train station is a small young man.
This young man's name is George. George is 5'6, he has a small figure, bony shoulders, rather thick brown hair, and two strange things about him. One is that he has Heterochromia, one eye crystal blue, the other a deep brown,mlike a charred almond. The other strange thing, you ask?
George is a male omega, wich isn't to strange,but isn't to normal, actually quite rare.
This omega got off the train with a couple other strangers. But rather than leaving, him and a couple others waited patiently for a different train.
Soon another train pulled up, a couple people got on, and a couple got off, all headed there own way. George waited with the same strangers, and a few new ones. Two more trains drove by to pick people up, and on the fourth one, George boarded the train headed for the airport.
The small young man shuffled over the threshold and onto the train, keeping his eyes locked on the metal floor, trying to avoid the few people's gaze. He took his seat along the, plastic, yellow rows of seats as people walked around and infront of him, shuffling and scurrying past one another to get a seat before even more people boarded the train.
In the crowd of people George spotted a small old women slowly moving through the crowd with a walker. The old women was getting shoved and jostled around as people busily walked by. George sat up, putting his heavy backpack on the seat so no one took it. People were starting to clear out as everyone was getting seated, so the young boy walked over to the old women who was still seeking a seat, and gently tapped her shoulder.
"Excuese me miss?" He asked as the woman turned her wrinkled face to look at him."Y-you can take my seat miss." He said nervously, his quiet and smooth British accent rang quietly. The old woman smiled at him, taking his smooth and small hand in her wrinkled and boney ones, clasping his hand."Thank you young man." She cooed as George led her to his seat, grabbing his black backpack and helping her sit.
The old woman put her cane on her lap and smiled at the boy once more, "You are very polite." George smiled at her as he walked away, going off to find one of the poles coming from the ceiling for people unable to find a spot.
He grabbed onto a section or the diagnol pole, where a tall man with dusty blonde hair, green eyes, and a dark green college jacket over a black t-shirt and blue ripped jeans, black fishnets under those. He wore a black face mask. He looked very intimidating, along with giving off alpha hormones.
George nervously looked up at the man, who looked down at him. The man had to be atleast 6 feet tall, along with a couple of inches. He looked down at George, an uninterested and slightly irritated gaze met George's blue and brown eyes. George gulped nervously. He noticed the man had black stud earings on and a slit in his light brown eye brows, a small white scar running over his nose.
He looked down at his white sneakers and black ripped jeans, ignoring the intimidating male alpha, who was now staring at him in slight interest.
George stood like that, staring at his feet while they drove over and through rows of  hills and tall pines. Over the 2 hour ride, George stared at his feet, the tall alpha staring at him, or his phone.
The train slowly lurched to a stop, George looked up, gazing out a window at the darkening sky. He shuffled through the crowd, the tall alpha behind him, a couple passengers back.
George sighed in relief as he walked out the train. He carried his backpack on his back, one strap over his shoulder as he walked down a sidewalk of a well lit city street, rushing towards the airport,about a block away.
He check his clock as he speed walked, 5:24,he thought to himself, picking up the speed, he needed to be on that plane by 5:30.
He ran a corner, and soon businesses and restaurants came I to view, along with a big glass, modern looking building in wich he assumed was the airport. He sprinted past the shops and offices, the restaurants and arcades. He came up to the door, sprinting past people and rushing through the door. He ran up stairs, digging his ticket out of the pocket of his unzipped dark blue hoodie. He wore a light blue crop top over a white dress shirt, a white box outlined in red, the numbers 404 inside of it, lay on the middle of the croptop. He sped past people and through passageways, his white sneakers flying. He reached his plane and started to board it along with a large crowd, panting.
Little did the British omega know, but the tall alpha from the train was also boarding this plane, traveling in first class with a black haired boy, brown eyes, white bandanna, black long sleeved shirt and jeans, a white shirt with a flame over it, and a woman with fluffy, long  half white hair, half brown, and green eyes.
George and the other Economy class passengers boarded the plane, taking there seats. George sat next to a window, a mother and her child next to him, the mother by the aisle.
The flight from London to George's College in Florida was about a 9 hour flight, wich he mainly spent talking to the 14 year old boy next to him about videogames, sleeping, more video games, or reading his book. He was asleep next to the young beta, his book in hand and cheek against the window.
The plane lurched to a stop, smoothly landing as George woke with a start. People were starting to file off the plane, luggage in hand.
He stepped off the plane after a couple of people, sleepily rubbing his eyes. He had a hotel room booked, and waited for it to arive, breathing in the new air as he thought of how this fresh start would change his life.
He was so deep into thought, he didn't notice a dark haired man in a black mask, and a women with brown and white hair walk up behind him, until he had been knocked out.

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