Looking The Part-chapter 4

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George sighed in relief when Tina finally came out of the bathroom.
"What to you so long?" He asked tiredly,as he has been leaning against a wall,slowly droozing into sleep.
Tina was dressed in a black dress that showed her shoulders and collar bone,thin straps over her shoulders,a fluffy skirt at the bottom.It was covered in small white daisy's that went over the plumes in the fluffy skirt.Her black hair was straight and pulled behind her shoulder,showing her ears wich were decorated in daisy earings.Under this she wore black sneaker boots and black fishnet leggings.
"I had to decide what to wear!!!" She said in self defense.
George rolled his eyes,smirking in good humor.
"Whatever" he said,smirking as he walked into the bath room.
The inside was a thin room that went far back.Agaonst the wall near the front left was a long counter top/cupboard space with mirror on top and two sinks.Across from that was a linen cabinet and an identical cabinet holding various bath items.Farther down left,was a wide bath.It wasn't your average small bath,this bath tub was not built in,and it was very spacious and tall,a potted plant residing behind it.A window lied in-between the left and right side at the end of the room.Across from the bath was a shower with tall,white stained glass surrounding it.
George stared in awe at the fancy bathroom.
Back in Britain the bathrooms were small and simple,and not nearly as modern.All the furniture ranges from platinum gray to white,the walls a warm grey.
He slowly walked past the sinks,admiring the beauty.
He stared at every detail,gazing at the furniture and in the mirror.
He stopped his slow walking pace in-between the sinks,right in front of the giant mirror.
He set his bag on the counter.Steadily un-zipping the back pack,he opened up the main compartment of the black bag.Scooping them upwards,he pulled out all the clothes in the compartment.
He kept his eyes sharp as he looked through the clothes,looking for a nice selection of fancy,yet cute and comfortable clothes.
"Aha!" He muttered to himself in triumph.
After a tedious decision,he had picked out the perfect out fit.
A soft blue,long sleeve crop top that went up to just above his belly button,high waisted black ripped jeans,a set of chains for a belt,and a mushroom hair clip.
He put on the cropped shirt.It was cotton,light blue materiel with a white box,outlined in red that held the numbers 404,the white collar of a dress shirt applied to the top of it.Pulling it over both arms and slipping them in,he tighed the shirt onto himself.He smoothed out the shirt with his palms,then grabbing the black jeans.
He put on the black jeans,pulling them up to just below his belly button.Thw bottoms of the jean legs were wide at the ankle,showing off his white convers and long socks dotted with mushrooms.
He clipped on the chain belt,making it loop into a hanging position at his hip.
He looked up,happy with his appearance.Georgw smoothed over his hair,grinning in the mirror as he clipped the mushroom just above his ear.
He stuffed everything back in the bag,little care for concern.
"Almost forgot" he muttered to him self as he grabbed his black,color blind correcting glasses and slipping them on as he walked out the door.
Tina stood in the exact same spot he had waited for her in,leaning against the same wall as she scrolled through her phone,looking extremely bored.
Her head snapped up when she heard the click of the door closing,George walking from it.
Her face lit up and she grinned admiringly at her friend.
"What do you think?" George asked her nervously,putting his arms outwards to the sides.
"It looks amazing Georgy!" She replied in awe. "You look so cute!!" She squealed in excitement.
George laughed,sighing in relief.
The two walked onwards,headed towards the dining hall.
Tina and George entered the large room,chatting happily to one another.
They entered the white,multiple windowed room.
They took a seat next to one another at the long metal table,Wich was draped in a silk cloth and was set with forks,spoons,knives,and plates,along with wine glasses.
People began to pour in.Some in small groups or entering alone.
All around them,betas,alphas,and omegas alike seated themselves around them.Gworge was so busy chatting with Tina,that he didn't even notice Dream,Sapnap,Puffy,and a black and red hooded boy with brown hair and square rimmed glasses sit across from them.
The room was filled with friendly chatter as everyone seated themselves.
A small ring cut through the chatter,gathering everyone's attention as they gazed up at a short middle aged lady with honey blonde hair and green eyes rang a spoon against a wine glass.
As George looked up and the noise died down.
Puffy cleared her throat as eyes traveled towards her to listen.
George's eyes caught on the man across from him.The man's eyes were trained on Puffy.Georgws heart fluttered and his face grew pink.He could tell it was Dream from fifty miles away,despite his fancy attire.
He was dressed in a white dress shirt,blue ripped jeans,and a jacket a mixture of the colors grey,white,black,and green.His dusty dirty blonde hair was messy as usual,and he wore black ear piercings.
George's eyes lay rested on him,gazing into his glowing,almost electric green eyes.
George continued to stare.His face was red,his heartbeat felt like the entire world could hear it.
For a second he almost thought they could,for Dream glanced at George,smiling in a friendly,yet flirtatious sort of manner.
In panic,George looked down at his plate,blushing a deeper red. What he didn't notice was that Dreams face was also pink with a slight blush,and that Dream unconsciously glanced down at George's lips.Dream held his gaze on George,who stared down at his dish in embarrassment at being caught staring.
Stubbornly the omega looked up,turning his head to give his attention to Puffy,who was waiting for everyone's eyes.
Dream just smirked on amusement,shaking his head light heartedly in amusement towards George's actions.His gaze rested once again on his close accomplice,a women that almost felt like a mother to him,as his real one was always busy as a child.
"Welcome everyone!" She started off with,grinning as she raised up a glass to roast, "As some of you may know,my name is Puffy,and I'm second in command of the Florida mafia pack." She said in confidence,a bit grimly in George's opinion.
Her serious tone brought out a flock of murmurs from the omegas and betas who had been brought here along side George and Tina,who were paying all there attention on the white and brown fluffy haired lady.Her hair looked like sheep's wool,bouncing as she spoke.
"That's right ladies and gentlemen.Our visitors here are residing in the mafias estate!"she finished in confidence,smiling at the seated people."Now,you may be wondering,'what does that have to do with me?!'," she said,to various nods and murmurs of agreement. "Well my dear visitors,I,as the advisor and the person who watches over the young Mafia boss," she points proudly at Dream,who smiled warmly at her. "Have been assigned a job by his parents."
Dreams smile fades into a frown as he groaned,putting his face in his hands,like he knew what she was going to say next.
What she said next made George understand why he might be embarrassed.
"As this stubborn young thing," she continue on,"Doesn't want to get a mate,his parents wanted him to see the selection of the local omegas and betas."
"Meaning one of you lucky ones will get to be the most powerful American packs luna."
George took note of how she politely excluded the fact that Dream doesn't want a mate because he thinks omegas could never help him lead,that they are to 'weak'.
Multiple girls enbarked in excited conversations,shy giggles,and a couple arguments over who would get the handsome alpha.
"Now,please enjoy the food!" She said proudly,sitting down as a flood of quick chefs set down platters on platters of food.
George looked up at Dream,who was pouting and awkwardly avoided the gaze of multiple horny,why,or flirting girls.Geirgw blushes a bit,flustered and secretly as excited as the others, but his eyes dropped in sorrow.He felt so bad for Dream.
Dream was being so polite to the girls,and he had although it breakers George's heart to hear it,Dream doesn't WANT a mate.
Dream sighed in relief.The girls turned their attention from him,to the food infront of them.
George played himself using the serving utensils to scoop up various dishes and plop them in his plate.He glanced over at Tina,who was humming while cutting her beef.
He leaned over to the side,putting his mouth close to her ear as he whispered."I feel a bit bad for Dream,don't you?" George asked.
In order to keep a casual composure,Tina continued to cut through her roast,staring down at it as she listened.Her lips barely moved as she replied.
"Why should I?" She began.
"Your simping for him,not me."
George scoffed,despite knowing it was true.Tina smirked at him as the blushing boy attended to his own food.
Dream,who himself was eating,glanced up to look at George in-between bites.He wondered why the boy looked so grumpy.
He watched as his friend,Tabitha,or Teri or something,whispered in her ear,then giggled to her self.Gworge stuck his tongue out at her,then turning back to his plate,causing Tina to laugh more.
Dream smiled,taking a bite of his food.Georgw noticed the alpha smile at him,so he shyly smiled back,then accounted from his food and began to eat it.
"Mmm!" Tina mumbled at the taste of the food.George nodded as be ate, "Super good!" He replied around a bite of roast beef.
After all the guests had picked off the last scraps from their plates,a round of maids and servants came forwards,hastily and gracefully stacking them and collecting them in a short span of a minute.
The guests stood up,stomachs full as they happily talked with their friends.They headed back towards wherever they slept,Tina and George heading to the bunk room together,sapnap and Dream together.
Tina opened the door as the two walked in.They began pacing towards there beds.
Put of nowhere,two girls with there hands on there hips stopped infront of them,glaring at the two,but mainly at George.
George recognized the one with long curly blonde hair,hazel eyes,a white dress and black heels,as one of the sipping omegas.The other had dirty blonde hair and bright green eyes that George swore he'd seen before.She wore a green hoodie over a white skirt and black pants,she had a ponytail,and in hand she had a pair of fingerless black gloves and a white mask.She looked bored and like she did not want to be here.
But strangest of all,she was a seventeen year old,alpha.

1931 words.

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