Ak47 Anyone?-Chapter 2

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George woke up the next day to find himself in a dark room,and a splitting headache.He groaned,the sourness in the back of his head aching,and the morning sunlight shining through the window was not helping.
Using his elbow,the young omega propped himself up with his shoulder,grasping the back of his head and wincing.
George's head swiveled as he  examined his surroundings.He was in a small room,lying on s soft red love seat,a matching couch against the other wall,a potted plant inbetween the corner of the wall.The room was gray with white siding and a maple hardwood floor,along with a dark grey circle carpet.
That was about it,the room was pretty small,a couple metal shelves adorned with books and random objects bordered the walls,white trimmed windows on George's side.
He strained his memory,trying to recollect how he had gotten into this small house.Suddenly,he saw a memory of him walking out of a plane,the sky was dark,and he was carrying his black backpack.When suddenly,a dark figure smacked the back of his head with a briefcase.
He tried getting up,wincing at the tenderness of his head.George sat up,stretching his arms over his bent knees,when suddenly the door behind him creaked open

Two people, about 5 foot 7,stepped into the room,one a women wearing a suit and red tye,sunglass on,very fluffy hair like sheep's wool,wool, creamy white,half brown.The other a man next to her standing a couple of centimeters taller.
He wore black ripped jeans,and a orange tie dye shirt over a long sleeved black one.His long black side bangs is up In a short ponytail on the top of his head,showing off his black hair that is cut into an undercut.
George's eyes widened as the two walked up to him,the man staring at him curiously,the women had a serious buisness like expression.
George scurried to the end of the couch,unknowingly let out distressed hormones at the two taller alphas.When they walked up to the distressed tiny omega,and realized he was scared,this distressed hormones filling there nostrils.

he lady in a suit softened her expression,pressing her palm steadily on his shoulder and letting out calming hormones.

Her steady green gaze met the small omega,who looked up at her warily.
Her gaze is strong and voice reassuring and steady as she speaks to the younger male, "We won't hurt you little omega.My name is Puffy,everyone calls me captain,I'll be taking care of you and some other omegas and betas." She points to her accomplice "This is sapnap,me and him are the mafia leaders sons closest Co workers.".Sapnap waves at him cheerily.
George looked confused,cooking his head to the side. "M-mafia? Other omegas?" He squeaked. "Why am I here..?"
Puffy sighed irratibely,Sapnap glanced at the clock,then looking back at Puffy,who was muttering to himself irratibely,"Maybe we could tell him on the way?" He suggested to the older woman,who sighed,massaging the bridge of his nose and nodding.
She pulled up George by the arm."Come on omega,we're going by to your living quarters." She said as he got up,"You can meet the others,and there are plenty things for you guys to do."
They walked on,down a well lit hall with wide mansion window.
The trio walked through and arch of a door way,George still being grasped tightly around the arm.
They walked into a wide room.Next to the door was a dresser with a flat screen,expensive looking tv,TV, giant grey sofa and white rug infront of it.Across from that was a white,marble kitchen.On the left side was 4 doors.One looked to be a giant room full of bunkbeds,bunkers, other door was wide open and had bathroom stalls and shower stalls,the other two were supply closets.Across from these was an arch showing a huge gym,two more closets beside it.
George gaped in awe at the expensive looking room,his two different colored eyes going wide.Puffy glanced at him after admiring the room shed designed,proudly placing her hands on her hips.She smirked at the younger boy.She enjoyed seeing younger people so happy,even if she was barely older.She just has a motherly instinct.
"Enjoying the sight?" She asked,grinning happily at the omegas awe.George nodded,causing Sapnap to chuckle. "I would go check out your bunk bed in the bedroom,then you can check out whatever you wanna!" Sapnap handed the young omega a slip of paper with his bunk bed number.
George nodded,smiling and waving as he thanked them.He headed for the room,turning the nob and entering the room.
There were rows and rows of bunkbeds,all with a built in shelf in the wall.He looked down at the paper,then looked up at the numbers on the bed sides.His eyes caught on the 15th bed.He headed for the bunk,and inside the shelf was his backpack.
He sighed in relief,unzipping the black back pack.Digging around and pulling things out,he checked the bags contents,,entally makinga list and checking off the things he found.Everything remained I his bag.He was relieved,at least they hadn't stolen his things.Everything was there,exactly the same as when George had packed it.
He zipped it back up and put the heavy backpack back in the shelf.He yelped,jumping back a bit.He calmed down whe he realized it was just a small (idk how to mention this in the story,so, Tina is Asian if you didn't know),girl with straight brownish black hair and large hazel eyes,wide with excited.
"HI there!Are you on the bottom bunk,I got top! So cool! We can be friends! I'm Tina by the way I'm an omega,who are you?" She asked with a vibrant and energetic tone of voice,not even skipping a beat.
"Uh-" George muttered,but before he could say any more Tina indulged on another fast and excited conversation,"Oh I get it,your shy! I used to be pretty shy,still am I guess,but I met some really nice betas and omegas so I feel pretty comfortable around them!" She put in. "Oh uhm sweet." George said.He stood up straight.Tina smiled at him,looking up.The girl wasn't to short,but very petite at 5 foot 4.
"Umm my name is G-George," He began,mentally trying to sound nonchalant."Well uhm..." George muttered trying to walk past Tina,who still looked up at George happily."Want to go explore?" He asked her.She nodded enthusiastically.
He had to at least give Tina this,he liked her energy,he thought as he waited for Tina outside of one the bathrooms, waiting for her to get into gym clothes.As George was already in basketball shorts and a cyan shirt white a white box holding the red numbers 404 outlined in the same red.He was properly prepared for  Tina's choice of activity for the day.
Tina walked out in a tight black sleeveless top that covered her collarbone,ending just above her belly button,along with black yoga pants,half of the side of the leg a clear black tinted mesh that showed off her calves.
The two walked towards the gym,passing some omegas and betas.While they talked,George found that he valued this loud Omegas company."Tina?" He asked just as they stopped in the entrance of the training area.She looked up at him,"Thats my name,don't wear it out!" She replyed,giggling at her own joke."Would you like to be friends?" He asked,using proper and words that wouldn't sound elegant if an American had said them,British people just have an amazing way of speaking.
"Be friends with a British dude who's shy around everyone? HELL YEA!" She said.Tina opened her mouth to say something,but here eyes lit up immediately at the site of some dudes doing karate.She squealed and ran over to the men training with one another,"Can I try?" She asked excitedly,looking down at the broken boards.
George shook his head,silent,y laughing to himslef.Unlike Tina,he decided to go check everything out.
He tried lifting weights,using the workout machine,all sorts of things.He was pretty good on the tred mill because he's fast and light,but when he picked up a shotgun and shot it directly onto the target,that he was pretty good.
He tried shooting from farther,hit,he took a step back,then hit.The gun bounced back at him when he shot it,but surprisingly the gun recoil didn't effect his small and thin frame.
He glanced over his shoulder at the we sound of a large chop.He looked over at Tina,who was chopping boards,breaking them easily with her foot and leaving the karate practicing Alphas in awe and confusion.
As George turned back towards the targets once more,his eyes caught on Sapnap,and a familiarly tall dusty blonde boy with electric green eyes and freckles,earings on the side of his ear,black sweatpants,and a white tshirt.
He looked back to the targets as the two men walked in.He shot the rifle into the bullet ho,e from before,and just as he once again resisted the recoil of the rifle,he heard a vibrant and middle toned voice,bored and almost snarky,"Well if it isn't that little omega,you know I told mother I wouldn't take you,but you could be tested.Pretty,respectful from what I've seen,possibly agile although being an omega."
George turned towards the voice.He stopped in his tracks,his eyes widening as he stared into the electric green eyes of the alpha he met at the train station.
George recalled the man's name,Dream. Dream sighed and turned back towards sapnap,who was dressed in a black tank top and grey basketball shorts,"Never mind Sap." He said "I still, don't want an omega to slow me down.". "But-" sapnap tried to convince Dream,but was cut off."Just look at him bro! He's skinny,weak looking,and he probably can't even run.Hed never be able to keep up for my mafia life!"
"I-im not th-that weak!" George protested.The two looked down at him,Sapnap looking defeated and Dream looking down at George judgementaly.
"Whatever your name is,Edward or whatever they name British kids,I'm a mafia leader." He put his hand to his hip and snorted."I'll admit your pretty cute,and being able to resist that guns recoil is kind of hot,but I'm a mafia leader.If you were my omega you'never make it." Dream tried to sound gentle with the last part.
George blushed,his shoulder hunching upwards,his eyebrows slanted as his face went red.He crossed his arms and gaze d up at Dream,flustered and frustrated at the devaluation. "W-well I've always b-been agile,a-and I'm smart a-and I have g-good aim!" George stuttered.
"Okay then," Dream said,smirking down at the boy."Fight me."

Claws - Love ~A DNF Omegaverse~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon