Time to prepare

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The others seemed more at ease with you once you had spilled your backstory and the conversation flowed easy. A few of them even shared their backstories and like you had assumed, they were very similar to yours. You were deep in conversation with Toga about her quirk when a husky voice caught your attention.

"Get up" Dabi said glaring down at Magne. "Please" he added seeing how everyone quickly started glaring at him.

"Go sit over there" she said turning away from him.

"But I want this one" he said sounding spoiled. She shook her head and stood up crossing the room to another empty chair. He plopped down beside you and rested one arm on the back of the couch, he looked off in the distance pretending to not be listening to every word you said. His fingers slowly creeped closer to you and gently caught your hair, twirling it around his fingers.

"Well now I get why you said you want some of my blood, I thought it might have just been a kink at first" you explained after Toga had explained how her power works.

"Well........" she said looking away embarrassed, her bright red cheeks giving her away.

"Oh?" you said smiling at her. "That's good to know" you teased.

"Anyways!" she said flustered. "How many scars do you have?" Toga asked.

"Probably more than I can count" you laughed.

"I meant from your Uncle" she explained.

"Oh 15" you said without flinching.

"Where are they?" she asked eyeing your arms and legs.

"Ah well they are pretty much spread out across my body, most of them being on my arms or legs but I have a few on my back, one on my chest, one on my ribs, one on my hip, and one on the bottom of my foot" you explained.

"Can I see them?" she asked with a slight blush.

"Maybe someday, I don't think I need to be stripping down in front of everyone just yet" you joked

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"Maybe someday, I don't think I need to be stripping down in front of everyone just yet" you joked.

"Yea totally, duh!" she said laughing it off.

"Can I see them?" Dabi leaned in and whispered in your ear, his hot breath caressing your skin.

"Not if you're going to abandon me like last night" you said under your breath to where only he could hear.

"Understood" he said with a smirk before he looked back off pretending to be indifferent.

"Understood" he said with a smirk before he looked back off pretending to be indifferent

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