My backstory? Tragic obviously

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Dabi led you through the darkened building before coming to the top floor. He led you to the room furthest from the stairs and opened the door letting you step inside first. There was nothing special about the place, it was just as plainly decorated as everywhere else, but the bedding looked comfy.

"You can stay here anytime you need to, or you can always go back home. I just thought you might be tired after today. The bathroom is across the hall and there are towels in there if you want to shower." He said and started to walk away.

"Wait!" you nearly yelled before coming to your senses, you cleared your throat and tried again with a calmer voice. "Would you like to hangout for a bit, I'm still pretty on edge and could use someone to talk to." You explained.

"I don't think that's a good idea sweetheart, I'm not the type of guy you want to be alone with, trust me" he said turning and walking away. He only walked a few doors down and disappeared into his own room. Once inside he leaned against the wall and cursed at himself for not staying with you, he wanted more than anything to stay with you but he didn't understand why and that scared him.

Frustrated you shrugged it off and shut your new bedroom door rather hard to be sure he would hear it. You flopped down into the bed and were surprised by how comfy it was, you unconsciously snuggled in and fell asleep within seconds. Hours must've passed as you peacefully slept until a lite knock came at the door.

You hesitated in answering, fearing who it might be. You got up quietly and rested your hand on the knob, listening closely to see if you could tell who it was.

"I can hear you y/n, just let me in already" Dabi said from the other side of the door. With a sigh you opened the door and narrowed your eyes at him.

 With a sigh you opened the door and narrowed your eyes at him

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"Can I help you? I was trying to sleep" you said grumpily.

"I'm sorry, I just felt bad about earlier so I wanted to apologize and check on you" he said earnestly which took you by surprise.

"You are rather surprising, you look mean but then you show kindness, but then when I ask for kindness and your mean. I don't think I can deal with the duality known as your personality" you said shaking your head.

"I know, I'm just confused as you are. I was terrified by you in the beginning and yet in a matter of a few hours I feel protective of you, even against myself. I'm sorry I woke you, get some sleep and we can talk again tomorrow" he said and turned to walk away. You caught his hand in yours, stopping him.

"You should just come in, I'm awake now" you tried to say nonchalantly and pulled him inside shutting the door behind him. "Lets just sit on the bed" you instructed and walked over. You sat on the bed and [pulled a pillow into your lap, he stayed by the door until you gestured harshly with your head for him to sit.

"If you insist I guess" he said sarcastically and sat on the edge of the bed.

"So tell me about you Scorchy" you said playfully.

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