Exams are for the weak

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Walking the final streets to the school spiked your nerves, taking deep breaths seemed impossible at this point. You slowed your pace and tried to meditate as you walked hoping it would calm your shaking hands. When you arrived at the front gate you stood there frozen in fear until a gentle hand landed on your shoulder.

"You okay? You look really pale" the tiny brunette asked, her bob swaying as she talked.

"Yea I'm good, just nerves you know" you said shrugging her hand off.

"Well you can walk with me if you want, I'm Ochako Uraraka!" she happily chirped sticking her hand out towards you, taking it gently you gave it a shake.

"I'm y/n Nakamura" you said saying the name you had rehearsed. Nakamura was on of the most popular last names in the country so the League thought it would help you stick out less.

"That's a really pretty name" she said flashing you a genuine smile.

"Oh uh thanks, yours too" you stumbled surprised by the compliment.

She led the way towards the school only stopping for a moment to save a small green haired boy from totally face planting. She seemed like she would be someone easy to trust so you relaxed next to her as you both strolled into the school.

They had everyone gather in a large theatre style room with tiered rows of seats. The lights on the stage flickered on and Present Mic took the stage to explain the rules of the entrance exam. He was one of the more popular Hero's his quirk allowing him to MC several events with his fun commentary. You had liked listening to his high energy even though it seemed exhausting.

As he started to explain the rules you started to feel as if this mission would be over sooner than expected. The goal was to defeat several robot enemies and get points, problem is your quirk doesn't work on non-living items so it would do nothing to the robots. That meant the only thing you had going for you was your use of martial arts and possibly using the quirk to slow down the other opponents. Bigger problem was you didn't want to use it on the children, they were just there trying to follow their dreams and as much as you didn't understand them you couldn't bring yourself to hurt them.

When the presentation was over they had everyone head out and load up on a handful of buses to be taken over to the exam grounds. Upon arrival you were greeted with a giant concrete wall and huge doors, everyone stood outside of them waiting for instructions.

"Right let's start!" Present Mic yelled from above capturing everyone's attention. The gates in front of you opened and the majority took off in a sprint to start the battles. You started off in a casual jog, stretching your arms as you followed the group. A few robots began to pop up but were quickly taken out by the large group of people that hit them head on.

Deciding you would have a better chance of scoring points if you could find some by yourself you took off down a few alleys until emerging on another large street. You somehow ended up behind a line of robots who were waiting for the kids to round the far side of the street. With a quick dash you jumped onto one of their backs, grabbing ahold of its head. With a hard push from its shoulders you separated the head, the machine collapsing to the ground at your feet. The other robots went into action having spotted you now, the second one charging at you. You dove to the side barely avoiding it and managed to scramble up fast enough to kick the head off the second one with a quick swipe, feeling the pain in your foot instantly. The one you had dodged whipped back around and was heading towards you, but you were focused on the pain in your foot and couldn't respond fast enough.

A large explosion came from behind you and you quickly turned to find the third robot now blown to bits. An angry blonde stood for a second looking at you, his face formed into a permanent scowl.

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