The crew

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Shigaraki led you and Dabi through the dark hallways and up a few levels of stairs before stopping in front of a small door. When he opened the door you honestly weren't surprised by the very bare room, mismatched furniture was placed carelessly around and there was nothing hanging on the walls. It wasn't really dirty inside just gave the vibe that it wasn't really taken care of, the smell of abandon filling your lungs.

"Dabi introduce her" Shiggy instructed, he walked over to a worn cloth covered chair and slumped down. He rested his chin on his fist and waved with his other hand for Dabi to get it over with.

"This is y/n, she will be joining us starting today." Dabi explained motioning towards you. "Y/n, this is Twice, Toga, Kurogiri, Spinner, Mr. Compress, and Magne" he said pointing to each individual.

"Wow there are more of you than I expected, its nice to meet you" you said giving a slight bow which made a few of them laugh.

"How do we know we can trust her?! She is really pretty though" the one named twice exclaimed. Each statement sounded like it came from a different person and that threw you off for a moment.

"Yea what twice said, she looks too pretty to be one of us" Toga said with a hint of jealousy.

"What a warm welcome" you joked. "Look I don't want you to trust me, you have no reason to yet so don't worry about it" you said shrugging your shoulders.

"That's it, I trust her! I've got my eye on you!" Twice said again switching between his personalities.

"What can you even do?" Toga asked, her face in a hard scowl.

"Would you like me to show you?" you said casting your best pretend smile on your face. She seemed to be caught of guard, letting her scowl fall.

"Sure.." she said more hesitant.

"Will you stand and let me see your hands?" you asked. You stepped closer to her and extended both of your hands, weary she stepped forward and placed both of her hands in yours. "Okay now you have two choices, pick my right or left" you instructed.

"Right" she said confidently.

"My favorite" you said as your pretend smile turned to one more evil. Dropping her other hand you activated your ability, deciding to take it easy on her you only aged her a few years before stopping.

"Ha did you even do anything?" she laughed. "All I felt was a slight tingle and like I might have gotten taller" she said mocking you. Without saying anything you activated your power again and her smiling face quickly changed to one of terror. Her eyes turned slate grey and her shoulders hunched forward, the skin on her face sagged and her knuckles locked up from arthritis. When you stopped the color had completely drained from her face and she was barely able to stand on her feet.

"Toga!" Twice shouted jumping to his feet. Dabi raised his hand to stop him, and pointed towards you.

You reached for her other hand and activated your power once again sending her in reverse. The others stood to their feet in amazement as Toga returned to normal. Tears streamed down her cheeks and her breathing was ragged as you finished. Her cheeks quickly covered in a heavy blush and her eyes had little hearts in them when she blinked them open.

 Her cheeks quickly covered in a heavy blush and her eyes had little hearts in them when she blinked them open

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