Mr. Bird Man

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The air in the room felt like it had been sucked out when you saw him for the first-time face to face. Well somewhat face to face, that was the problem, his face was horribly scarred, no eyes, just a mouth with a disgustingly scary smile. He extended his hand towards you for a handshake but something in you said that was a bad idea.

"I better keep my hands to myself, would hate to accidentally use my powers on you" you tried joking to hide your fear

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"I better keep my hands to myself, would hate to accidentally use my powers on you" you tried joking to hide your fear.

"Ah I see, so your power is like Tomura's?" he said dropping his hand and the smile, his face setting into no emotion. 

"Yea in a way, one hand ages and one de-ages?" you said unsure if that's what it was called.

"Very interesting, have a seat, I'd like to hear more about you" he gestured to the other chair in front of the desk. You sat down and held your hands together to hide the shaking and tried to take deep breaths so he wouldn't hear it in your voice.

"Well there isn't a whole lot to tell you about myself. I'm basically an orphan, I lived with my Uncle for awhile until he died and then I set out to find the League." you explained hoping that was enough.

"Basically an orphan?" he questioned and you realized you had used Dabi's words.

"Well my parents are still alive, but they gave me up so they legally have nothing to do with me anymore." it had been years since that happened but inside it still hurt.

"Interesting, so why join the League?" he asked.

"It's not for any real big reason, I just want to be able to use my powers as i see fit." you said simply.

"Can you not do that without the League?" he questioned.

"Well I could, but the Hero's will always be a problem. I have no problem with killing someone who wrongs me, but in current society I would still be in the wrong. I want a world where we all do as we please and no one is considered just bad or just good." you explained.

"What about your parents?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" you asked confused.

"Why haven't you killed them?" his question sent chills down your spine.

"I don't see the need too, I was young when it happened and I'm over it now. Plus death would be too easy on them, currently they get to suffer and starve and that's enough for me." you narrowed your eyes on him as you spoke.

"Your over it?" he scoffed leaning back in his chair. "Why is it people like you always try to act like it doesn't bother you, when it's just so obvious it does." he said shaking his head.

"The only thing bothering me right now is you, my family business should be of no interest to you, so just leave it be. All you need to worry about is if I'm useful to the League, which I will be, but I cant do that sitting in this office so can I leave?" you asked standing to your feet.

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