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You used to live in Tokyo with your dad. You were pretty well known, and everyone would praise you. You were the "perfect" girl in their eyes.

Little did they know you were struggling too. Compliments from people are pretty common to you. However, your father not even once had noticed your achievements. He only noticed your mistakes and flaws. Everything you do is not enough for him.

Whenever you get sick, he never decided to take care of you. He was the best dad in public, but at home, he hurts you. His words affected your mental health.

When you were seven, you recently found out you had a sister. You were dearing to meet her. Fortunately for you, your dad sent you to your mother's hometown so you could live there. You were a real pain in the ass to him, after all.

Your sister looked a lot like you. She was five years older. You enjoyed living with your mother along with your sister. She wasn't like your father, who was a total bitch.

Your sister had an outstanding achievement. She always had a smile on her face. She never gets tired. She was always happy. You admired her more than anything. Little did you know her own achievement was the one killing her slowly.

Your mother was still nice to you back then. She never forced you to do things. She wasn't strict at all. She was the kindest woman back then. She treated you well.

But things slowly changed three years later when your sister killed herself. She was found in the bathroom, blood on the floor and the toilet. She died from an overdose.

That was when you realized she was never happy. Your mother was forcing her to do such things. She was overworking herself.

Ever since your sister died, your mother suffered in grief and agony. She adored your sister more than you, after all. You wanted to cheer her up somehow. You started by doing your best in school and obtaining good grades. You had also decided to play sports to make your grades even better.

But none of it was enough. You were never enough to be like your sister. She used to be in the first place, but you always end up in second place. This became a daily routine for you. Trying to make your mother proud, but she didn't even care nor bothered to look.

You were used to this treatment. And boy, were your parents perfect for each other. The only difference is your father would tell you to 'do harder,' and your mother would say to you to 'give up.' Everything you did wasn't enough for them, but due to some reason, you kept trying. It has become a hobby for you.

Years have passed since then, and you are now sixteen. The second semester just started, and your PE teacher was absent; hence there will be joint classes.

You were paired up with some pink-haired weirdo, and nothing creeped you out more than the aura he gives off. You were expecting to be paired up with Toritsuka, but God decided to change your partner for the first time.

The game went class, but that was until you tripped to the ground. The pink-haired only looked at you before walking away. Your eyes widened at his actions. He reminded you of someone.

He wasn't like other people who were easily swayed by your charm and intelligence. He, Saiki Kusuo, was different than the rest. Ever since that day, you wanted to prove to him that you could do better. You didn't know why but for some reason, you wanted him to notice you.

He grew tired of your chasing, so he finally decided to talk to you. Ignoring you would be pointless since you'll keep chasing him anyway. Maybe if he shows you how boring he is, you'll grow tired of him. "Why didn't you help me when I tripped that day?" You questioned curiously. You knew it was a stupid thing to ask, yet you still asked.

Kusuo frowned at the question you stated. The answer was pretty obvious. "You have limbs." He bluntly responded before walking away.

The answer was so straight to the point, yet it was unclear. 'What does helping me up have to do with limbs?' You questioned once more, although you didn't say it out loud. It was something that you have to figure out on your own.

As days passed by, you were starting to understand what he meant. It was as if he was indicating to rely on yourself and not on others. He was also indicating that you don't need others' strength when it's nothing compared to yours. In short, it was a way of telling you that, 'you can do it.' A statement you never heard before.

That was when you realized Kusuo isn't like your mother nor your father. He was teaching you to be independent and rely on yourself. And from that day, you admired him. Some part of you wanted to get close to him. He was hard to understand, and it was pretty challenging. You weren't expecting yourself to catch feelings for him.

Your reason for liking Kusuo was very selfish, and you're aware of it. You wanted to impress him, something you couldn't do to your parents.

You weren't expecting things to get out of hand. He looks intimidating in general, but he's caring in private. Everything he do, it impress you. Oh, how the roles have switched. He was your inspiration.

"You're my world, Sachi Kusuo!" You responded. A confident grin was planted on your face. A grin that Kusuo found stupid. It's funny that you didn't even know his last name.

That day when he told you to leave him alone, it was like your world fell apart. Did you do something wrong that made him angry? What if you were annoying him too much? The answer doesn't matter to you. You will do anything to make him happy, after all.

"I hate love, but I'm willing to make it an exception only for you." A voice inside your head stated, making you flutter your eyes open. That voice sounded so familiar. You were suddenly brought back to your consciousness because of that voice.

'I'll say it again but with the correct name this time. You're my world, Saiki Kusuo.' You mentally stated, although you didn't say it out loud. You were too tired to even utter. Fortunately for the both of you, even though he's on the roof, he still heard it. Using his right hand, he covered his mouth. It was now his turn to grin like an idiot. A grin you wouldn't find stupid.

     "Good grief, I'm completely flipped."

so cheesy chapter☹️☹️
anw, since im very nice [real not clickbait] i decided not to write angst. i love my readers so much and i wont make them cry<4

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