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"That was.. the shittest weekend ever." You complained, continuously slamming your hand on the table.

"Geez, stop complaining already. You said that for the seventh time today." Toritsuka grumbled, hitting your back.

You let out a yelp from the impact. Out of all the people, you didn't expect your friend to hit you. "Aren't friends supposed to help each other through thick and thin?" You pouted.

The purple-haired rolled his eyes at your remark, hitting your back once again. "Fine then, since I'm the one and only friend you have." He casually shrugged, sitting on the empty seat beside you.

"Pfft, you act like you have a lot." You argued back, hitting his back harder in return. Toritsuka let out a girly shriek which made you giggle.

Grinning like a madman, "I do have a lot!" Toritsuka cockily said. "Uh-huh, aside from ghosts, who are your friends?" You smirked at your own question.

"You! How about you? Who are your friends aside from me?" He returned the question, poking your forehead harshly.

And boy, you realized he was right. You have no friends except him.

"Saiki Kusuo." An awfully familiar voice had bluntly stated, making you and Toritsuka turn your head in the direction.

The spirit-medium had his mouth open in shock. He was surprised at the fact that he knew Kusuo longer than you, and yet he never considered him his friend.

Toritsuka stood up and grabbed your collar, causing you to forcibly stand up as well. "This girl? Saiki, are you crazy?" He exclaimed, his hands were shaking while Kusuo watched in silence.

"She doesn't even act so girly! She once punched me in the face! And look, she scratched me last week like a cat!" As he continued with his blabbering that Kusuo finds irritating, you couldn't help but let out a laugh.

"Good grief, what a pain."

"She dips her cookies on water!"

Your eyes widened at his statement. Your face grew red, flustered that Toritsuka had embarrassed you in front of your crush.

You couldn't blame him, though. These last two weeks, you and Kusuo grew closer. Not only that, he even considered you as his friend, and never once had he considered Toritsuka even an acquaintance but a stranger.

"Tsk, not surprised." Kusuo casually shrugged before looking straight into Toritsuka's eyes. He grabbed the purple-haired's hand and shoved it away from your clothes.

You gulped, unable to react. Kusuo then shifted his gaze away from Toritsuka to your direction."[ surname ], are we walking home together?" He questioned, raising a brow.

You were about to open your mouth to say something, but a particular idiot interrupted. "Hey, hey! Can I come?" The spirit medium asked, waving his hands in the air.



You bit your inner cheek, tugging onto Kusuo's sleeves. "Why not?" You asked, tilting your head to the side.

"I feel like I owe you." Although his response was direct, it didn't make any sense to your question. "Huh? In what way? I don't think you do." You rubbed the nape of your neck, unsure of what to say.

"Tsk, what an idiot." He paused for a second, hesitating as he frowned. "The same cafe from back then. 5:30. See you." He said before walking off, leaving you and Toritsuka alone.

No explanations were stated, which made you unclear about what he was saying. 'Was he asking me out on a date?' You pursed your lips, afraid that you might jump to the wrong conclusions.

"He's.. Definitely into you." The guy beside you mumbled, poking your shoulder. "Funny, I didn't even get what he said." You responded, narrowing your eyes as you glared at him.

"He meant, 'meet me up at the cafe from back then at 5:30.' I think." Tortisuka explained, placing a hand on his chin.

Your brows furrowed as your mouth agape. 'What does he mean by cafe from back then?' You gulped, locating every last of your brain cells to remember all the cafes you and Kusuo went to.

"You're forty-two minutes late." Stated the pink-haired in front of you. Getting stood up is not how he wanted to repay you.

You were taken aback by his words. 'This guy!' You scowled, clenching your fist. "If only you told me the name of the cafe from the start, then I wouldn't be late." You grumbled as you tried to fight the urge to punch him.

Kusuo replied nothing but silence, making it awkward for the both of you. 'What's his reason for asking me out?' Pondering as you frowned.

The guy in front of you spoke as if he had read your mind. "I don't like being in debt to someone, so this is just a way of thanking you." He paused for a second, looking bored at your eyes.

"Don't take the wrong idea. I'll never ask you on a date nor go out with you." He added, making you gulp. "Yeah.. sort of knew that." You tried to suppress a chuckle which only ended up being a scoff.

Of course, his words hurt you. You told yourself dozens of times that you're okay with one-sided love and yet getting rejected still feels new to you. He was your first crush, after all.

As for Kusuo, he knew that you were going to do anything for him. And after he witnessed your talk with your mom, he felt terrible. It was as if he felt like he was responsible for why you got scolded.

He wanted to get you off of his grasp so bad.

After the 'hang out', Kusuo walked you home without saying a word to each other. It was really awkward, and you kept screaming on your head. The atmosphere was quiet, but to the guy beside you, all he could hear was you shouting nonsense inside your head.

"H-hey, umm, thanks for walking me home." You bowed, pursing your lips. The pink-haired only nodded in return.

As you were about to open the gates to your house, Kusuo spoke. "Hey." He called out, making you turn in his direction.

"Will you do anything for me?" He questioned, making you furrow your brows.

He already asked that question back then in which you answered it genuinely. You weren't sure why he's asking you the same question today. 'Does he have a memory problem?'

"Anything." You responded, looking down at your feet and kicking the small rock in front of you.

You heard Kusuo let out a sigh before saying,

"Then give up on me."

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