Ch129 - Hospital (10)

134 11 0

[Fuck, is this infernal affairs???]

[I'm stunned. Then my Xie Chi's plan is exposed???]

[Fuck so angry so angry so angry.]

[Why did Xie Chi have to say it? Don't blame others for hearing it after he said it.]

[Is the person above stupid?? If you want to earn plot exploration points then you must explain the plot. You can really find fault. You actually blamed Xie Chi.]

[Everyone calm down! Shouldn't we find out who it is first?]

[Surely it must be Ye XiaoXiao or Ren Ze. They heard it. It can't be Ye Lan who was sleeping on the bed.]

[Are you stupid? They never used their phones.]

[Yes, a mobile phone. You need a mobile phone to send messages!]

[He Xiao and Yuan Ye were both looking at their phones but the camera just gave them a simple shot before moving on... the others have no shots and we don't know what they were doing. This doesn't mean it isn't possible.]

[Wanting to pour dirty water on my Yuan Ye? Let me tell you that Xie Chi was in the ward on the second floor and Yuan Ye was in the lobby on the first floor. Are you treating him as having such good ears? He can't hear it at all.]

[Che, perhaps he has a hidden super hearing item.]

[I can't stand it anymore. Yuan Ye has no motive to harm Xie Chi, okay? He and Xie Chi have no grudges and everyone knows Yuan Ye's personality. He might want to be first but he definitely isn't the type to provoke people. He disdains this type of trick the most.]

[It makes sense. It is true...]

[Then how...? He Xiao didn't hear it either. He was buying water in the corridor. Damn.]

[Wait! Let's change our thinking. Who said it must be heard?]

[What do you mean? How can they know if they didn't hear it? Mind reading? Don't make jokes!]

[No, I mean, what if someone knows about the existence of the relationship chain just by sorting out the known clues and then deliberately provoked the relationship between Xie Chi and Yi Hesong in order to force Yi Hesong to act against Xie Chi? After all, there are many clues but they only lead to one answer. This person doesn't care whether Xie Chi has really unearthed the key clue of the relationship chain. They just want to pour dirty water on Xie Chi and prompt Yi Hesong to fight Xie Chi. After all, Yi Hesong has always been suspicious and cautious. Once there is the possibility then he won't let it go.]

[Fuck, this is a bit reliable!]

[It is terrible if this is true. That person must also be familiar with Yi Hesong's personality...]

[Then I still don't know who it is... but if this is the case, the cannon fodders are completely eliminated. Those who can think of the relationship chain so quickly are just a few bigshots. Yi Hesong is eliminated first as well as Ren Ze and Ye Xiaoxiao... in other words, the only ones possible are He Xiao, Yuan Ye and Xie Yang.]

[I vote for Xie Yang just because he has a grudge against Xie Chi.]

[Xie Yang awesome!!]

[Hey, is your Xie Yang smart enough?]

[Can you stop with the conspiracy theories?? So annoying! Maybe it is a ghost! Did you forget the one who threw the glass at Xie Chi? In addition, there is the black ghost who hates Xie Chi! They are all possible, okay?]


Yi Hesong resisted the urge to drop his phone.

The mobile phone in the movie belonged to the role so the only people who could send text messages to him were actors who also had roles or ghosts in the same movie. It didn't matter if it was a human or a ghost. Knowing this person's identity wasn't important.

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