Ch58 - Horror Skewers (13)

277 13 3

Over on You Jing's side.

You Jing smoothly found his crush among the many dead souls on the stage and led her off the stage while secretly feeling proud.

Previously, he gave his token to the female ghost. The female ghost temporarily captured the soul of his crush, hid her among the dead souls on the stage and had her wear a mask. He had to quickly find the girl he had a crush on.

You Jing deliberately had some things in his mind. During the time when the app asked him to randomly pick a girl to like, he picked a very short one. His mother had told him about the app's little tricks. Generally speaking, the app only provided superficial information and often played word games to mislead the actors.

The app didn't emphasize the significance of choosing a girl to like but there must be a difference in the type of girl chosen. You Jing himself guessed that he might have to find his crush. He guessed it correctly so he took advantage of it at the beginning.

You Jing led the girl to the female ghost sitting below the stage. He recalled the scene of handing in the token just now and was a bit annoyed in his heart. The app actually used this type of thing as a token.

He wouldn't have come to Horror Skewers if he had known. Variety shows weren't like movies. The app might allow actors to face various situations in order to entertain the audience. There was a high probability that the actors would be fooled and this was too embarrassing.

Fortunately, all the actors were like him. They couldn't escape the tricks of the app. You Jing felt relieved at the thought.

The female ghost was sitting in the third row and You Jing went to her. The female ghost's face was hidden under the black veil as she said, "Look at her again."

You Jing turned his head and almost jumped from shock. In the blink of an eye, the beautiful girl had turned into an old woman with a disgusting face. Her skin was falling down softly on her face. Her skin was like chicken skin, loose and densely covered with bumps.

"This is how she looks when she is old," the female ghost stated.

You Jing gritted his teeth and kept holding the girl's hand. In the next second, the girl's face changed again. This time, it was even more terrifying. It was the girl's appearance after she was burned. Her nostrils were dark, her eye sockets were empty and her jaw missing...

You Jing barely resisted the urge to vomit.

The female ghost raised her hands and spoke in a hoarse voice. "Don't you love her? Loving her means accepting everything about her, whether she is old or disfigured. Otherwise, your love is false. Go and kiss her."

You Jing's eyes darkened. He had to kiss such a disgusting face? This person didn't even seem to have full lips. Her lips were now a thin layer of burnt skin.

"Go kiss her!" The female ghost exclaimed again. This time, she obviously had no patience. Her voice was hysterical, hideous and sick.

The desire to win trumped everything. You Jing convinced himself over and over again that this was just an illusion. He finally stopped hesitating and kissed the girl's cheek. He tried his best to be gentle without showing any flaws, even if his nausea had reached the peak.

The female ghost seemed to laugh with satisfaction.


[If there was no Xie Chi then I might feel that You Jing was quite romantic. Now I just feel... emm it is bleak.]

[I understand. The moment there is a comparison, I feel that You Jing is dull. He might be smart but he follows the rules.]

[I think he is too serious. Xie Chi is realistic but his essence is still acting. You Jing is too serious and it is boring.]

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