Ch45 - Invitation

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Yan Jing couldn't believe what he heard and stared at Xie Chi. "Brother, you just said..."

He glanced at Lu Wen, who smiled and nodded at him. "Your Brother Xie agreed."

Yan Jing's expression instantly brightened and his eyes were full of joy. He secretly turned to look at Lu Wen and while he could still see, he blinked frantically at Lu Wen. "Did you hear that he agreed? Did you hear?! Did you hear?!"

Lu Wen nodded helplessly.

Xie Chi neatened his clothes and cuffs and formally stretched out a hand to Yan Jing. "Will this make it more real?"

Yan Jing stared at these extremely beautiful hands for a long time before he understood the words. The top of his nose became a bit tingling and he quickly shook hands with Xie Chi because he was afraid Xie Chi would regret it.

Xie Chi smiled a bit helplessly.

A short three minutes passed and Yan Jing's vision became dark again. However, he remembered those white, warm hands. He had a partner and the motivation to work hard.

"Brother." Yan Jing suddenly felt a bit embarrassed. "I'll slip away to do my homework first or else it would be too embarrassing. If you have anything then contact me through the app. I'll be there as soon as you call!"

He couldn't see but there was the app's voice reading function. It was a bit time-consuming but he was idle anyway.

Yan Jing couldn't wait. Before Xie Chi or Lu Wen could answer, he had grabbed his phone and left the office.

"He is in a hurry." Xie Chi looked at Lu Wen and sat down again with crossed legs. He slid his chair in front of Lu Wen, clasped his hands and spoke lazily. "I will ask you a question. You don't have to answer it if it is inconvenient."

Lu Wen was stunned for several seconds before reacting. "My face?"

Xie Chi was very honest. "Yes, we belong to the same world but you obviously aren't human. Therefore, I am curious."

Xie Chi lowered his eyes and stared at his fingers. What world did he live in and what was there that he didn't know?

Lu Wen was silent for a few seconds before cheerfully answering. "In fact, there is nothing to hide. I am indeed not entirely human."

Xie Chi was startled.

Lu Wen explained. "My home is close to the sea. Basically, as soon as I talk a few hundred steps, I can see the blue side. On our side, the elderly often warn young girls not to go swimming in the sea in exposed clothes because there might be sexually promiscuous fishmen who will force them to have sex."

Xie Chi asked, "Are you sure there is such a creature as a fishman?"

Lu Wen nodded and laughed. "Where else would I get these scales?"

Due to the cheerful Yan Jing and Xie Chi's equal treatment, he had long stopped caring about the ugly scales on his face and felt that he could expose everything to Xie Chi. Xie Chi quickly accepted it. There were many things he hadn't seen or heard of but this didn't mean they didn't exist. He just lacked an opportunity to know about them.

Lu Wen continued. "The legend goes that hundreds of years ago, people living on the shore regarded the fish people in the sea as gods and threw virgins into the sea to offer to the fish people every once in a while to protect them."

Xie Chi asked, "What do the fish people look like?"

"No one has seen them but they do exist. I've seen manuscripts made by humans hundreds of years ago near my home. It seems that someone drew the appearance of a fish person but I don't know if it is true or not. In the painting, they have ugly faces, fish lips, blue eyes, two small nostrils, a body covered with scales and huge exposed—"

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