Ch 57

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Jay hit send on her final email and excitedly pumped her fist in the air with delight. Her work done, it was now time for 3 whole days off. She began to throw anything she needed from her desk into her bag. Then realising the time, she grabbed her make up bag. Delving into the contents, she pulled out her concealer and quickly began to spruce herself up ready for her big 'meet the parents' moment.

Satisfied that she looked natural, yet equally as if she had made an effort to look presentable, she pulled on her jacket and made for the door. She'd hopefully have just enough time to get there before Jack and his family so she could suss the place out and get comfortable. She was leaving her car at the Etihad so she could have a couple of drinks, and had planned one for courage before they arrived.

Her foot had barely landed on the top step when she heard Roberto calling after her. Why was he even still there? Didn't he have anything better to do?

'Jay, just before you go....'

She knew exactly what that meant, he wanted her to do something else before she left. She checked her watch again, feeling that the slight time advantage that she'd planned for ebbing away. She was narked by it, she'd already worked over an hour later than she was supposed to.

'Can't it wait until tomorrow?' She replied. 'I'm meant to be meeting Jack and his parents in half an hour'

She could tell by his facial expression what the answer to that would be.

'If you really can't manage it, then I suppose so' he sighed dramatically.

Jay pondered, Roberto's warnings of her relationship not interfering with her work still fresh in her mind.

'What is it that needs done?' She asked.

'No, no, if you need to go....' He said waving his hands sarcastically.

'Will it take long?' She pressed.

'I just need 5 minutes' he said, flashing a smug smile whilst ushering her into his office.

'Soooo, I had a call for you earlier...' he began. She could swear he was dragging this out as much as he could, and anyway, why had he waited until she was leaving to tell her when he'd known earlier?
'And basically City TV have asked if you would go on camera to translate the post match interviews tomorrow?'

'Me? What about the new guy working with the team?' She asked, surprised.

'Well, let's just say, City TV viewers prefer you to Steven. So, is that a yes? Obviously you will be paid for it. But if you don't want to, or if you're too busy with Jacks family....' He left the sentence hanging mid-air.

'Okay, I'll do it' she agreed. 'But I need to go now' she stood up. She said her goodbyes and then got out of there as fast as she could.


Jack and his family, minus Keira, arrived at the restaurant bang on 6 for the reservation. Jack checked his phone for the hundredth time waiting for a message from Jay to tell him she was on her way.

'Nothing from Jay yet' he said out loud to no one in particular.

'Nothing from your sister either' said Karen, lips pursed frustratedly.

'Let's get some drinks in then' suggested Kevin. Kevan, Jacks older brother who had now also joined them nodded happily. Jack might not be able to drink tonight, but that wasn't going to stop Kevan. He had plans later with his mates and whilst he was at this family meal, his mates were already getting shit faced in a pub across town.

'What are you having Jack? A shandy?' Asked his Dad.

'Nah, just a water please. Got the big game in the morning' Jack replied.

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