Ch 52

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As always when the boys played FIFA together, time flew by. Gradually the others had said good night, until it was only Jack and Chilly still online. Jack was happy with that though, Chilly was one of the few people that Jack had ever been able to talk 100% freely with and it had been a while since they'd talked.

Even when Jack got tongue tied and said the wrong thing, as he often did, there was an understanding between them that meant when Jack asked 'you get me?', Chilly always did.

'Chilly mate, you know you're actually meant to score yeah' laughed Jack after he'd beaten him again, this time 5-0.

'Really, thanks for the Ted talk there bro, anyway, I saw your last game, maybe you need to take your own advice' laughed Chilly. He and Jack's humour was always slightly close to the bone, but both of them knew how to take it.

'Yeah, yeah, bro' Jack laughed. 'Another game?'

'Im all FIFA'd out now' Chilly replied. He wasn't in the mood for taking another whooping from Jack that night.

This FIFA sesh with the boys had been just what Jack needed to take his mind off the tension that was starting to brew again in the flat between him and Tasha. He really didn't know what her problem was sometimes. Women! Growing up surrounded by his Mum and sisters meant on the whole he was used to them by now, but Tasha was a whole different ball game. Chilly was more interested in the new woman in his life though.

'So, you and Jay then?' He began, knowing that now the others had gone he'd get the real Jack, not the testosterone fuelled 'lad' version.

'Yeah mate, she's amazing' Jack gushed.

'I'm buzzing for you. Honestly, I didn't ever think you'd get the balls to leave Tasha. I mean as much as she's fit and that, she's definitely not the one for you anymore'

'Yeah, no, I know. I mean obviously me and Tash had some good times and that, but like when everyone started talking about us getting married soon and that, I knew that wasn't what I wanted. But Tash does and she deserves better than that'

Chilly had to laugh, for all that Jack was one of the most family orientated people that he knew, he definitely wasn't ready for marriage.

'The Jay come along and it feels different. She's different, ya know. She like sees me for me, not like other people' The minute her name crossed his lips, he felt the corners of his mouth turn up into a broad smile.

'That's what you need mate, someone who's not just wanting her face in a magazine' originally Chilly had really liked Tasha, but over the years he'd watched her lust for fame turn into an obsession, changing her. And not in a good way.

'Yeah, right, listen to you mate. You sound like one of them love gurus or something' laughed Jack. 'as if you're not shagging at least three birds at the minute who defo wannabe your full blown WAG'

'Oi you. I'm just looking for someone special, we don't all have club translators you know. Some of us actually understand what our manager is telling us in our own language'

Jack laughed again, Chilly wasn't wrong on that front, Pep's accent still baffled him.

'Fair point. I wanna bring her down to meet you soon. Just keep Mase away from her' Jack joked.

'Nah, he's got a blonde on the go, Eva from Germany. Kai knows her. She seems alright'

'Anyway bro, I better get to bed. I swear Pep checks the bags under me eyes every day to find out how much sleep I've had'

'Night bro, see you soon'

Jack headed to bed smiling, life felt good right now, and once Tasha finally moved out it would be like a whole new beginning for him.

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