Ch 45

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'Santa's beeeeeeeen' shouted Olly.

Jay put her pillow over her head, she'd finished both hers and Anna's Baileys and then taken the bottle back to her room and drank most of it and now she was regretting it.

'Jaaaaaaaaaaaaay Santa!' He shouted, pulling the duvet off her. 'Come on!'

'I'm coming' she groaned, looking at the clock. 'Olly it's 5:47am, are you for real?'

'Get up lazy bones' shouted Josh from the doorway.

Anna was already down the stairs waiting for them, it was a relief to see her looking much better than she had in days. She actually had a bit of colour about her.

'I'll put the kettle on' said Jay, heading to the kitchen, followed by her Mum.

'Me and Dad were talking last night' Her Mum began.

'Here we go' said Jay rolling her eyes. 'If it's about Jack then I really don't want to hear it'

'Just listen for a change, will you' said her Mum firmly.

'Me and Dad were talking last night, and if you, Josh and Anna think this Jack is alright, then we'll support you. Me and Dad would like to meet him though, so we're going to come down in the new year and you can introduce us'

'Sounds like a plan' agreed Jay. 'Honestly, he couldn't be more different to anyone I've ever gone out with before but he makes me feel like no one else ever has. Now come on, let's get this coffee and Anna's chamomile tea through and see what Olly got' Christmas was no time for family arguments.

The living room was already covered in discarded wrapping paper, thanks to Olly smashing his way through his presents faster than the speed of light.

'New Xbox aunty Jay' he said barely looking up from whatever he was opening next.

'Remember Jack's present' Jay reminded him, handing him the box that was under the tree. She was equally as excited to see what it was.

'Oh....My....God' gasped Josh. 'It's a signed Ronaldo shirt'

Olly was speechless.

'There's a note' said Anna, picking it up and reading it out.

Dear Olly,
I hear you are my biggest fan. I look forward to meeting you and your family after the next Man Utd game at Old Trafford.

'There's 4 executive tickets here too' said Josh in disbelief. 'Jay, can you thank Jack for us, this is incredible'

'What did he get you Aunty Jay' asked Olly.

Jay hoped that the present would be family friendly. Nadia had joked that he'd probably bought her a clone a willy vibrator. Jay had dismissed that idea by saying that they probably wouldn't have a big enough kit to accommodate Jack.

Inside her little box was a beautiful charm bracelet with 5 charms on it. There was a football, a heart, an Eiffel Tower, a small padlock and an aeroplane. Jay couldn't believe Jack had been so thoughtful. Anna helped her to put it on, and Jay looked at it beaming widely.

She immediately text him to say thank you.

'Jack, your phone. Again' sighed Keira, taking it off charge and throwing it to him. It had been buzzing all morning with texts and messages from all his bro's and broski's wishing him a Merry Christmas.

Tasha knew from the smile on his face that it was Jay, she'd also seen the present from Jay that he was hiding in his bag up the stairs.

It had been an awkward night for them both. Karen had naturally just expected them to share Jack's old room. Jack had offered to sleep downstairs, but they'd agreed it would make everyone suspicious. Whilst he's fallen asleep almost instantly, Tasha had lay awake and listened to the sound of his snoring. It had been the first time in forever that they'd shared a room, and it was probably going to be the last as well.

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