Ch 2

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First thing Sunday morning Jay threw her suitcases into the back of her car, ready for the drive to Manchester.

'Are you sure you'll manage all that driving on your own?' Her Mum asked.

'I'll be fine. I've got plenty of snacks and a bottle of juice with me and I'll take regular stops and stick to the speed limits I promise' Jay reassured her.

'It feels like you only just got back and you're off again' her Dad said sadly.

'I know, but I'm going to be with Josh so you don't need to worry, do you?' Josh had always been golden boy, and if there was anyone her Mum trusted to look after her- it was Josh.

After a lot of hugs and kisses, Jay was finally off. She waited until she got round the corner before she hit play on her playlist and cranked the volume up. For her car was no ordinary car on long drives, oh no, it was a karaoke machine on wheels. 'Yes, S Club 7!' She exclaimed to herself as 'Don't stop moving' began. She didn't even bat an eyelid when the driver in the car next to her at the junction gave her a thumbs up for her dancing at the red light. This felt like the right thing to do and she was going to make the most of every minute.

Josh and Anna hadn't told Olly that his Aunty Jay was coming to stay. He was only 7, and far too excited for his football game that morning to have noticed the spare room getting made up. He hadn't even batted an eyelid at the extra food that Anna had bought in Asda on their way home after football.

'Dad, show me the video of my goal again' Olly begged Josh, when they got home.

'Here we go' said Josh handing him his phone.

'Absolute screamer!' Said Olly, congratulating himself again. 'Has Aunty Jay not replied? You did send her it, didn't you?'

'She must be busy wee man, give her a chance' laughed Josh, knowing she was almost there. She'd text him a picture of a large Costa latte from the services about an hour ago so she wasn't far.

As if on cue, the door went.

'Can you get that Olly?' Asked Josh, 'I'll be right behind you mate'

Josh stood back and started to record as Olly opened the door.

'AUNTEEEEEE JAAAAAAAAAY' he squealed, as she picked him up and span him around.

'God, you got big' she laughed, putting him down.

Josh stopped recording and stepped forward to give Jay a hug, whilst Anna appeared from the kitchen to greet her with a massive hug too.

'How long are you here for?' Asked Olly enthusiastically, eyeing the suitcase she had just brought in with her.

'Not sure yet buddy' she said ruffling his blond curly hair. 'Probably a while though, depends if your Dad chucks me out for being naughty' she said, giving Olly a wink.

'Can you come to my football next week then?' He asked.

'Are you kidding? When you score screamers like that one today, of course I'm going to come!'

'Jay, have you got tears in your eyes?' Asked Anna, raising her eyebrow at her. Jay was never normally so sentimental.

'I just realised how much I've missed you all. I mean París was amazing and it was good being home in Edinburgh with Mum and Dad, but being here is even better'

'Yeah I mean those places, they're good, but we've got Man United here' Olly bragged.

'When did you get so obsessed with football? What happened to Thomas the Tank?' asked Jay, Olly had grown up so much since she was last with him.

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